Sunday, November 29, 2009

Day 14: When God Seems Distant

Had a wonderful Sabbath. My Sunday School class discussed authentic worship. Our lesson plan coincided with one of the chapters of the book. The sermon at worship service was very moving and meaningful. And the singing was moving. All aspects of the day was an element of worship. Even seeing off my brother in law was an act of worship because I thanked God for the wonderful fellowship we had for three days. Praise Him as we mature in our walk with Him.

Point to Ponder: God is real, no matter how I feel.


How can I stay focused on God's presence, especially when He seems distant?

Verse to remember: "For God has said, 'I will never leave you; I will never abandon you.'" Psalm 149:4

My response:

This chapter states that it's easy to have a close and intimate relationship with God when things are smooth, but when about when the waters become choppy? What about when we have a hard time feeling His presence?

This has happened to me in the past in my relationship with God. I've coined it a spiritual funk. I can't really describe it, but I go through bouts of just feeling distant from God. It's not necessarily that I backslide or stray from Him. I just get kind of weary. I go through the motions. I can totally relate to the chapter when it states we try to do everything: we pray, we fast, we read the Bible. But the funk is still there. And I eventually "snap" out of it. I usually don't realize when this happens. But one day I'm in a funk, and the next thing I remember I am in tuned with God.

But the chapter also points out that sometimes God tests us by hiding Himself from us. Like Job, he couldn't find God in his times of need. How can we praise God when all around us is falling apart like Job? How can we praise or worship God when our lives a falling into pieces?

When we go through these experiences, God is testing us. He is testing to see if we can put our faith completely in God. That is one of the surest signs of spiritual maturity is to trust God when things are coming apart at the seams. There's a tendency to want to jump in and take control. But God is saying that we must have faith that He will never leave nor forsake us. In the end, I am reminded of the poem "Footprints" while reading this chapter. The episodes when we couldn't feel His presence, He was actually carrying us through the abyss. Be blessed.


  1. i remember the day that i realized how much i had strayed away from God. i was on my way to a life that was built up by my surroundings and i came to a crossroads where i had to make a tough decision. It was either go on with the dream that i thought was mine or to listen to my gut and go the other route which would crucify me by my closest friends and family. i questioned God why he would put me in this circumstance and why noone else saw what i was seeing. It made me look irresponsible and crazy. Then i thought about Jesus. I imagined his life before it was told to us by the bible(which storied him in his early 30's after his childhood). Could it be possible that Jesus was waiting for the right time to make his best move for the sake of man? i mean, he did have one of his disciples betray him, and he also had one of his most passionate followers deny him. Yet he still went with his purpose because he understands the bigger picture which is still unfolding today. His sacrifice wasn't so that we would glorify him but so that we could use him as a great example everytime we have trials of our own. He didn't question God when these trials came about because he was at peace because of his understanding. Once i realized that i would always be loved and that certain things that seem commonly bad to me doesn't mean its my fault. It doesn't even mean that its the other person's fault because they are just doing what they feel and know is right. If God is testing me, then its because i needed to be tested, otherwise if i don't feel convicted then i will keep going about the ways that i go about. So if part of my purpose is to change the common ways just so that my tolerance of hate and anger can be strengthened for my main purpose, then why not....because in the end, everything will come to be as he willed it to. Thankyou Al and Rick Warren for your sacrifices.....God Bless all of you. Praise and Love......

  2. I was also reminded of the poem "Footprints" as I read this chapter. I have witnessed God's grace in my life. In my darkest hours of 2008, I once wondered if God had distanced Himself from me. It was mainly because efforts we had made to make arrangements did not work in our favor. However, as time went on, I felt His peace surrounding me.

    When God seems distant, I am always reminded that He has a plan for me, one to prosper me. I am also reminded of what He has done for me. He also tells us in His Word that "He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.(I Corin 10:13). Isn't that awesome? He tests us to the best of our abilities and at the same time, show us a way to handle it.

    We have an AWESOME God!
