Sunday, November 15, 2009

Day 1: It All Starts With God

Point to Ponder: If there were no God, and everything was a result of random chance, there
would be no purpose to your life. It all starts with God.

Have you ever wondered about, or felt confused about, the purpose of your life?

What ways have you tried to discover your life’s purpose that haven’t worked?

Why do you think people try to discover their life’s purpose without turning to God, their creator?

My response:

There's so much to digest in this first chapter, but what grabbed me were the first words: It's not about you. Wow. It seems as if those words were written specifically about me. So much of my life has been spend searching for MY contentment, MY purpose, MY happiness, never knowing that I was going about it the wrong way.

I had began to mature in my walk with the Lord, but the words in this chapter really helped solidify my path. It was perfectly crystallized when I read: "life is about letting God use you for His purposes, not your using Him for your own purposes." For much of my life I had been using God for MY purposes. God heal me. God bless me. God forgive me. It was never, what is your will for my life? What is your purpose for my life? Not until I came to the realization that I was put on this earth to do His will and serve His purposes did my relationship with God begin to have more depth and meaning.

Now my life is all about Him. When I garner success, it's thank you God for your blessing, not look at what I did. When I go through adversity, it's what is the purpose of this trial Lord? It's a watershed moment in my relationship with God when I realized what our roles are: He created me, I am here for His purpose, which is much larger than me.

All right, that's what I got out of this chapter. What about you?


  1. Posted By: Kisa Mona

    As a teenager, I often pondered about life, its purpose, and my overall existence.

    I found myself living my life in my head, constantly thinking up questions and trying to answer them with my own might, my own understanding, and my own wisdom.

    My parents reared me in the ways of the Word, teaching me the principles of God's unconditional love and the life He wanted us to live.

    In those lessons I learned that a God-centered life is more fulfilling than a me-centered life.

    As a young adult, I continue to unravel the complete meaning of a God-centered life.

    What I have found so far is that when it's all about me, life is selfish, empty, and incomplete; when life is about God, its purposeful, embedded in uncondtional love, and full of meaning.

    It's not about me.

  2. Jean S; League City, TXNovember 16, 2009 at 6:50 PM

    Growing up, I never thought about what my purpose in life was. Every now and then I would think about what I wanted to be when I grew up and where I would be, but I never really thought about what the purpose of my life was in God's plan. The first time I read this, that just blew me away. I thought at some points in my life, I was on the right path and doing the right things. This chapter was definitely an eye opener for me. I found myself thinking constantly about what it is He wanted me to do. I couldn't believe that for the past 24 years I had no idea what my purpose was. It was pretty much a slap in the face, because up until then, it seemed I was completely self-centered. At the time I didn't think it was about me, but it was. Everything was about me and not about me doing His will. Once I realized that, things in my life started to fall into place and I was able to reach out to others and help them. I knew for a fact that I was on the right path. I was just happy about everything in life.

    About a year ago, I found that I had yet again strayed away. I noticed that things were slowly going back to ME, and not about HIM. I can honestly see a big difference in my life when things are about me and not about Him. I completely agree with Kisa when she said:

    "What I have found so far is that when it's all about me, life is selfish, empty, and incomplete; when life is about God, its purposeful, embedded in uncondtional love, and full of meaning."

    Now that I realize it's not about me, my life feels more meaningful

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  4. I agree with you al.that our lives have always been what we can life change when tribulations happen to my family. i know that God will help me cope with these situations. When i started reading this book before it makes you realize that all of our lives has always been for God. it is all about him. it is such a feeling to know that all that i do is for Him. it is amazing to experience his grace for us. There was a sentence that said, You must begin with God, your Creator. You exist only because God wills that you exist. the author really point out to us that until we understand that God is our Creator life will never make sense.
    now when challenges come into my life i just pray that God please take over. i know that without Him i am nothing. my life is a big thank you God every day. i now understand that everything that i am doing right now is his plan for me. if something comes in my way that i do not like, i will ask God if this is right or not. for me now life is very simple, all you have to do is, know that without God life makes no sense. when things are difficult or easy always remember that God is there all you have to do is ask.

  5. I agree with you Al...being raised as a military brat you adapt to what is around parents took us to whatever church was on base whether it was a Samoan Church or not...but I never thought about my purpose.

    I would begin a relationship with God but then it would become less of a relationship but more as someone I once talked too. I have focused so much recently on the why me and help me, bless me that I forgot it is not about me.

    I have known where I need to turn during my struggles but have not done so at all times...Good thing we have such a caring and forgiving God that regardless of how many times we stray he is always there for begins our relationship again...

  6. Nua Manns: When I was a child, I was taught that school is where I should focus on because that is where Im going to find my place in life...or purpose, but, then life happened. Got married, had children, military..after a while, you wonder if you ever are going to get somewhere in life and of course you start to wonder what really is your purpose in life. I think that when I was pressed in by the stresses of life, I had to sit back and look at my life and wonder what direction should I be heading in. Education was one; owning my own business was one..dreams that someday hoped they will come to pass. It is only natural before you get to know God just a little bit that you will assume the world's perception of success/purpose. However, I found out that it doesnt work all the time. I see it alot in people around me and for me in my didnt help much.

    The portion that stands out for me is "Self-help is no help at all. Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self." I like the Amplified version better: "For whoever is bent on saving his [temporal] life [his comfort and security here] shall lose it [eternal life]; and whoever loses his life [his comfort and security here] for My sake shall find it [life everlasting]. My version: whoever lives for himself will lose his life and whoever lives for Jesus gains everlasting. Our spirit will live on, this is where you choose rather you will live forever in hell or heaven. I know this may be complex and hard to swallow for some, but, it is the real truth (God-given) that we need to face and embrace. The question is do you know God's word and do you believe what He says in His word is true. Do you believe that Jehovah God is the God of the universe. This is where we start to really know God for who He really is. God is patience, loving, faithful, all knowing, and is everywhere.

    As for me, I now know that I have to really know God to walk the path He has set before me for me. I know that He has my best interest in His heart. Remeber the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans and thoughts I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome." (AMP) I am not perfect by any means, but, I continue to strive to walk in the ways He has outlined in His word with His constant Help day in and day out.

  7. This is probably the 3rd time I've read this chapter and each time I've read it,it becomes more and more meaningful.

    My outlook on life has changed tremendously since reading this. I still do encounter hardship, struggles, and other unpleasant parts of life. But they have become of a different meaning to me. Instead of asking God "Why?" I simply ask, "What is God's purpose for this?"

    God says in Jeremiah, "I have a plan for you, a plan to prosper you..." then all these are part of that plan. Everything has a purpose for His greater purpose.

    It is not about me. Everything that has happened to me is not about who I am but who He is! He did not do because I had done anything wrong or right, He has done because He is God and He has a purpose for all He does.

  8. there's a lot of thoughts going through my mind. The only thing that I know for sure is that God does have a purpose for me. I just have to keep believing and have faith in Him. In the chapter, it talks about the success by the world's standards that we miss the purpose that God created us for. Often times I received rewards and accomplishments that I've become selfish and not thank the Lord for these successes. God's plan is not that important to me because I kept thinking about my own plan. This is where I will add what Kisa said: "What I have found so far is that when it's all about me, life is selfish, empty, and incomplete; when life is about God, its purposeful, embedded in uncondtional love, and full of meaning.

    It's not about me."

    God is always here for us, it is up to us to accept that He is. Thank you Jesus!

  9. You know Al, it's funny that the book should start in this way. As a very young child going thru sunday school and being raised in somewhat of a bubble, I was always sure that my purpose in life had to do with the Lord, that in some way he would reveal to me what it is i was meant to do, to become. I took comfort in the security of KNOWING there WAS indeed a plan. There was peace in knowing a greater power was at hand and that I could trust in that.
    THEN, ahem, I got older and wiser, more like jaded and worldly, and from adolescence until my 20s, I thought I knew it all. That everything in my world depended upon ME! That how my future would pan out rested on MY shoulders and MY shoulders alone. It's when I pretty much shut out any talk of God and there being a master plan, and was determined to make it on my own, and basically started to panic! At 27 I had my 1st daughter and went from knowing everything, to knowing only 1 thing...that I KNEW NOTHING AT ALL! I think the root of the Period of Panic, as I like to call it, starts here. Having believed too long that I myself was responsible for my destiny and now having my every action affect another being was quite overwhelming, still is.
    Just in recent years, I've done a lot of soul searching and realized I had to go back to being childlike, to being teachable again. Only then did I find humility to ask for help and make myself open to receiving what was asked for. It has not come overnight, but the help I've sought has never really left me I now realize. i've just made such a thick wall over the years, I never knew God was there all along waiting for me to hear him, for me to accept that help.

    I'm one of those whose spent countless hours going thru self-help books, with no success.
    Although what I've read in the 1st chapter I've known since the 1st grade, I've forgotten with years of shutting God out of my life. It's like having that nagging suspicion that you can't put your finger on, then all of a sudden the light bulb goes on... extremely powerful. What a blessing, what comfort it is to know once again and to believe that such is true. I cannot explain the peace that has come from giving it all to the lord,from not worrying so much because it affects those I love the most, my children.
    I don't believe in coincidences anymore, and know my finding you on FB was none,but an answer to a prayer. I humbly admit I've since learned an abundance about myself thru your teachings of the gospel and have something I didn't know I lost for awhile, Hope. I am humbled, blessed, and forever thankful for the guidance. :)amy
    PS...LOL it's not really anonymous if it shows the email address (some of the other posts
    I was reading)is it? grack me off! but i'm putting anonymous just cuz I'm not able to log on from work (oops, supposed to be working huh?lol)

  10. Im starting off a few days late, but its ok. Thanks again for starting this up, its been long overdue, I pray I finish it this time around :)

    I appreciate the way this first chapter gives a straight approach with alligning the reader in the direction of the Creator. I felt as if I had just been put in check, "It's not about you!" Its important that I start this journey knowing my place in the great scheme of things. I am humbled and anxious to learn of God's wonderful plan / purpose for my life. Thats what came to me as I read this first chapter.

    I am left with a sense of anticipation of the upcoming chapters. Looking forward to it!

    "Father show me where I fit into this plan of Yours..." - Joseph's song
