Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 12: Developing Your Friendship With God

I know I'm behind on the postings. I think I may have had a little too much turkey. LOL I am really enjoying the fellowship with my family during this holiday season. I hope you're having a good Thanksgiving weekend and didn't get run over during Black Friday. I spent it in bed getting some much needed rest. Let's move on with our series, shall we.

Point to Ponder: I'm as close to God as I choose to be.


What practical choices will I make today to draw closer to God?

Verse to remember: "Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you." James 4:8

My response:

In day 11 we talked about developing a relationship with God. About constant communication throughout the day. We should talk to God constantly about all aspects of our lives, or our days. In Day 12, we are encouraged to develop a deeper relationship with Him. And in all relationships, honesty is the key. If we're not honest with God, the relationship will not develop any depth, but be very superficial.

I have a tendency to hide things from God. I think that I shouldn't reveal things to Him that I am ashamed of. I guess it's because I think of Him as my Father and I don't want to tell my parents all the bad things I've done. It's a sense of shame that makes me shield things from Him. But little do I know that He sees everything.

The chapter reminds us that God doesn't expect us to be perfect, but He does expect us to be honest. What a refreshing feeling that is to know that He loves us even when we sin. He doesn't forsake us when we stumble and fall. He loves us still. He loved Moses though Moses was a sinner. He loved David even though David did a horrible deed. And he loves me too through all of my shortcomings.

Our relationship with God must be the most important relationship we have in this lifetime. That's a hard thing for people to accept, including myself. It is more important than my relationship with my wife, my child and my parents because the relationship with God will dictate where we get to spend eternity. And the more time we spend with God, the more we value what He values. He desires to have an intimate relationship with us. It's so humbling to think that the creator of heaven and earth would desire to get to know me. Praise Him!

1 comment:

  1. You captured how I feel as I read all the first 12 chapters. It is humbling to know how much He cares for even a person such as myself. I haven't done anything that would merit such grace for me. But this chapter reminds me it is not big and super things God desires from us, just our trust and obedience.

    A lot of times, as Al mentioned, I try to hide from God. When I feel like I have fallen too deep, I know God is the only way out but always feel unworthy of going before Him, umworthy of His forgiveness or even His company.

    But I am reminded here that all that do not matter. It matters to Him that we have a relationship with Him and that we learn to trust Him no matter what.
