Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 15: Formed For God's Family

Had a rough night. My princess decided she would throw a fit at her grandpa's house when it was time to go. It was overly dramatic tonight so I had to punish her. She came out three times from her room with tears in her eyes asking if I was still mad at her. I said no. Then she said, "then I can go to taekwondo tomorrow?" I said no baby, it just means I'm not mad at you but you still have to suffer the consequence for your actions. Then the bawling would return in earnest. I'm terrible father. I pray that she sees the "purpose" of why she is being punished.

Point to Ponder: I was formed for God's family.


How can I start treating other believers like members of my own family?

Verse to remember: "His unchanging plans has always been to adopt us into His own family by bringing us to Himself through Jesus Christ." Ephesians 1:5

My response:

This chapter introduces us to our second purpose, which is we were made to part of God's family. Our first family is the one we're born into physically. Our second family is when we accept the invitation to ask Christ into our hearts and accept Him as our Lord and Savior. It entitles us to a great heritage and most importantly, to a great inheritance.

We become a part of God's family. And this is more important than our earthly families because God's family lives on in eternity. Our goal as Christians is to get our earthly families to gain entrance into eternity so that we can all be part of God's family.

Being a part of God's family is bigger than anything else I belong to. It's bigger than my earthly family. It's bigger than my American family. It's even bigger than the human race today because God's family includes all of those that have gone on into eternity. We are part of a long heritage that binds all of God's children together. What an awesome thing to know that we're a part of something much bigger than ourselves. So many kids turn to gangs because they don't get a sense of belonging from any group. It becomes a pseudo family for most of them. Well, God's gang is the best because it guarantees life after death. Be blessed.


  1. To be a part of something always gives me a sense of belonging and acceptance. So to take that sense to its highest level would mean being a part of something greater than family. Its ti be a part of God. not apart, a part. God's not recruiting us because we already are....he's giving us a choice to be or not to. How thankful i am that God gave me the power of choice, and for that, i choose him. Praise and Love......

  2. O my! God has blessed me so much in this life, but it doesn't end here. There's even more and better blessings after this life! What more can one ask for? Imagine that, eternal inheritance! To be with God forever, to be more like Jesus, to be free of this life's pain, sorrow and suffering, to continue to serve God and yet share in His Glory. What a wonderful God and what a wonderful reward. Who wouldn't look forward to that?

    Formed for God's family - what a wonderful purpose for my existance. A family filled with glorious joys because they come from God.

    I want to be identified as a member of God's family. I want to share in the joys of being part of that family.
