Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 4: Made To Last Forever

We had a wonderful time of sharing at Bible Study tonight. There were a lot of us that went through the Bible Study last time as well as a few that were going through it the first time. Such an intimate time of sharing what God had done in our lives and how this book has helped us through some tough times and opened our eyes to God's Word in new ways. I encourage you guys to keep the fire burning. It's a long journey, these next 37 days. Each of us will drop out from time to time, with the holidays coming up and other obligations. But even if you're not able to post every day I just encourage you to keep up and keep the sharing coming. There's been a lot of deep insight into God's Word from people all over the place. So many people have emailed me about how this study is helping them cope with a rough patch in their lives, so be encouraged that your sharing of your walk and journey is helping out fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Be blessed.

Point to Ponder: This life is not all there is.


Why do you think God made us to last forever?

Why do we spend more time worrying about what won’t last and so little time preparing for eternity, which will last forever?

What are you doing right now to prepare for eternity?

My response:

The fourth chapter is simple, yet profound. In last night's Bible Study I shared with the group that I have simplified my life. As I continue to walk with the Lord, and as I continue to live against the backdrop of eternity, I realize more and more how much wasted energy my early years were. But perhaps that was all part of God's purpose for me. Winding me through that journey to make me the person I am today.

I told the group that I've condensed my life into things that matter: my relationship with God, my family, my work and the Longhorns...LOL I used to chase fame, money, notoriety. Now I just want to go home and spend time with my family. I want to prepare my daily text messages and Sunday School lessons. I want to create a lesson that's meaningful to my students and look forwarding to helping them in their lives. I've found contentment. I've found my purpose. In the words of Paul, "I once thought all these things were so very important, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.” Couldn't have said it better myself.


  1. Nua said..
    Why did God made us to last forever? His desire is to have fellowship with His creation. However, when sin entered, God sent His son Jesus to restore the fellowship by offering himself up for our sins and iniquity. We have to accept and recieve Jesus as our savior, believe that He died on the cross and was raised from the dead and He lives and is seated at the right hand of God acting as our mediator.
    Most people spend more time worrying about things that will not last because as long as we are here on earth, we are in the flesh and world view and what the flesh wants and knows is what is can percieve with any of the 5 senses. A person has to believe first about Jesus, that there is heaven and hell, that life is eternal and by faith take the action to get eternal life in outlined in the Bible. I have accepted Christ into my life as my savior and Lord and as I awaited my appointed time of exit from this life, I continue to strive and walk according to His will for me. "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" Ps119:105 (AMP)

    It is important to remeber what he said about end of life here but not the end of us. "While life on earth offers many choices, eternity offers only two: heaven or hell. Your relationship with God on earth will determine your relationship to him in eternity." Jesus is the key "I am the way and the truth, no man comes to the Father except through me."
    "When you live in light of eternity, your values change. You use your time and money wisely. You place a higher premium on relationship and character instead of fame or wealth or achievement or even fun." I see this in my life, however, I have not arrived. I am enjoying my family more, my life more and when your plans (relationships, money, time) line up with God's will, life is so much easier and less stressful. My life and family life is much better than even just a few years ago and I trust that as I continue to listen closely to God urging in the direction I should go that it will get better until its time for me to go or for His return. Be blessed.

  2. Life is such a beautiful thing when i think about eternity. It makes my walk exciting and it gives me satisfaction. When i get it through my head and wrap myself around the idea of an everlasting life, i realize that there is so much more to this world and that God's creation of it has significance. So for me to have the opportunity to live and witness his masterpiece makes me appreciate his power. Now i look forward to that new beginning and try to keep myself in tune with his presence. i am thankful for this blog because it has bridged our worlds and allowed us to be able to share with each other. His love is truly in motion.....

  3. Is this amazing? Not only did God make us with a specific purpose for His purpose, He also made us to last forever! Why? I would think it would only make sense that the masterpiece of His creation should be made to last. But that would be too simple. But now I believe because of who He is, our Loving God, He has made us to last forever because He loves us and wants to fellowship with us in His glory.

    What an amazing reward! Who wouldn't look forward to his final day is it's the entrance into an eternity with God?

    In this life, many of us live to chase dreams - material things that last only for a little time. Fame and acknowledge that last for maybe minutes. For what? For that very short time of glory or recognition. Mais, c'est la vie! That is life. We are humans and it is our human nature to want things that are temporary.

    I believe I live a simple life. As a human, I am also cursed with the need to have more and better; but I have learned to keep it simple and be concerned only God. That doesn't the path to my preparations for eternal life is clutter free.

    I have learned to put my relationship with God as my number one priority. Now, I haven't been keeping perfect scores with that. Many a times I spend more time worrying over other things and trying take ARE OF IT ALL that I neglect that relationship. It is my constant prayer that God help me with our relationship and that I learn to let go and let God so I can spend less or no time worrying about what I need for this life but what I can learn to prepare myself for eternity.

  4. How we live our life now determines if we are going to be in heaven or hell. I should stop worrying about things that I cannot control and start depending on God in every sense of the word. What are we going to do in order for us to go to heaven? Knowing and understanding what Jesus did for us and learn to love and to trust in Him.

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  6. chapter 4 is short but it has a great point about the importance of life than just here and now. knowing about eternity ensures me that the earth isn't our only home. to reach eternity, one must prepare him/herself and right now, i am slowly working on it.
