Friday, November 27, 2009

Day 11: Becoming Best Friends With God

What a great day of Thanksgiving of food and fellowship with friends and family. I have been fed physically throughout the day, now I am being nourished spiritually with His Word.

Point to Ponder: God wants to be my best friend.


What can I do to remind myself to think about God and talk to Him more often throughout the day?

Verse to remember: "Friendship with God is reserved for those who reverence Him." Psalm 25:14

My response:

This chapter says that God desires to be friends with us. It says that there are many aspects of our relationship with God: He is our creator, our redeemer, our Father, but also our friend. He wants us to come to Him with thanksgiving and praise but also with our desires and wants. I can totally relate to this because this is the same relationship I have with my parents. They brought me into this world. They provided for all my needs when I was a child. They instructed me in the ways of the world and especially, in the ways of God. But now that I'm an adult, they have become my friends. Not equals. But friends. The same with God.

I like the part where we are encouraged to carry on a conversation with God. It said not to have long, drawn out prayers through the day, but short "breath prayers." I immediately thought of Twitter when I read this. For those of you that don't know, Twitter is a resource where you are able to update your friends on what is happening in your daily life with short little messages that are sent to them through text message or email. It lets all of your friends know what you're doing. So when I read this, I thought, "this means we should be tweeting God all day long." Now, I hear some of you laughing, but it kinda makes sense. How many of us update our status constantly on Facebook or tweet friends throughout the day? These little breath prayers are the same, except they are only meant for God. You carry on a conversation throughout the day with God, letting Him know how your day is going.

We all know that the key to any relationship is communication. And we also know that it's important to get quality time alone in a relationship. But just as important is keeping that line of communication open throughout your day. My wife and I text message each other throughout the day. Just to tell each other what's going on. We should do the same with God.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh I shouldn't have trouble with meditation! I am a super worrier! I would spend hours trying to picture different scenarios and solutions to issues that arise in my life.

    My husband always says, "if [you] could channel that energy and those skills for something beneficial..." [He doesn't say this to me, lol. If he does, he is probably saying it behind my back, lol]. This chapter told me just that! Instead of spending my time brainstorming solutions or worrying over things, use it to conversate with God and spend it to meditate and hear His still voice.

    Funny how the chapter talks about having constant conversations with God. I do that sometimes but usually it's out of guilt. I used to have a set routine where I would arrive to work in the morning, have my quiet time, and then get my day started. That routine lasted for about a month. Now, I would arrive at work, sketch out my agenda for the day and get on with work. I usually put time there for quiet time. As the day goes on, more and more things are added to my agenda resulting in me forgetting my quiet time. Several times, I notice myself working on a project, remembering I did not have my quiet time, start talking to God. I started to lock my office at this time fearing that someone might walk in and think I have gone crazy!

    Just imagine how my day would be less chaotic (mentally) when I converse and meditate on God's word!

    Again, I am just in awe of how much He thinks of me. He desires to have an intimate relationship with Him and to have me as His friend, even when I have fallen short of His Glory!
