Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Day 2: You are not an accident

A great start to our study. I've noticed that we've had a lot of people visit the blog yesterday, over 200 hits. But only seven people shared. I encourage you to share your reactions and thoughts to the days reading. It's the best way for us to gain depth and understanding of the material. Even if it's just a reaction to other peoples' posts, I encourage you to share. You never know whether your thoughts would spark something in other people. On to day 2.

Point to Ponder: You are not an accident!


What events or experiences in your life have “hinted” or suggested that maybe you were created for a specific

Have you ever really felt God’s deep love for you personally?

How would your life change if you began to live each day confident that God loves you deeply and has a purpose for your life?

My response:

The second chapter starts with words that startled me: You are not an accident. The chapter goes on to say that some children may have been unplanned by their parents, but they aren't unplanned by God. That's my life story. My mother had me when she was 16. Her father was a pastor of large village church in Samoa. My father was also a pastors son in Samoa. To say that my birth was frowned upon by the village people would be an understatement.

But God had a plan for me. He didn't want me to be born when my parents were in their 20s or 30s, he wanted me to be born at that exact moment. For a time in my life I wondered if my parent resented me because it probably threw their life plans and goals out the window. My mom had to drop out of high school and didn't go to college much later. My dad had to work three jobs to support me and my mom. But the unconditional love they have showed me throughout my life has told me that they don't resent having me.

Much later in my life another "unplanned" pregnancy has had a huge impact on my life. My daughter was not a planned pregnancy, but God used that situation for a better good. Regardless of the circumstances of her birth, she was not illegitimate. She was planned by God.

I've always struggled with the sometimes seeming 'arbitrariness' of life. Why was I born here and not in India? Why did my parents make the choices they made? Why am I a Samoan and not Brazilian? This chapter taught me that the answer to all those questions was because God willed it to be. And what He wills, will be.

He has a master plan and I am but a small part of it. But He thought enough of me to plan out my entire existence. I keep thinking of the song we sang for White Sunday..."Who am I that you are mindful of me, that you hear me when I call. Who am I that you are thinking of me, it's amazing, so amazing." Yes it is.


  1. Wow! What powerful message! My existance explained! I MATTER! God created me for a reason and what a reason it is! To be part of His plan!

  2. I agree with you. It is such a powerful message. I am so thankful for God's purpose for my life right now. I've survived trials in my life. For this, I always know God is always here for me whenever I need Him. A good reminder from this chapter is that, even though your birth was unplanned by your parents or whatever the circumstances may be, it wasn't unplannned by God. I also agree with the last 2 paragraphs of Al's message. Again, thank you for the wonderful message.

  3. I was really shocked when I read the first sentence in this chapter. This chapter really explained a lot of things in my life. As a teenager, there were quite a few times I felt like I was an accident. I often wondered if my mom had any regrets having me, let alone raising me alone while in the military. I never knew I had a dad until I was 9. Sometimes I wondered why he was never a part of my life. Why was I not good enough to be a part of his life? What was so different about me from his other kids, who are a part of his life? Seeing my mom struggle to raise me sucked a lot. I felt she would've been better off giving me up for adoption or not even having me at all. As I got older I realized this all happened for a reason. God had plans for me and I didn't even realize it. I am very thankful for these trials and tribulations because I know there is a purpose behind it all. Although I don't quite know it, I know He will help me through it to fulfill His plan.

  4. I NEVER KNEW!!! Thank you for sharing! Really interesting, really powerful. I can only imagine what your parents went through, but I guess you & your 5head was worth it (j/k). Seriously though, thanks.
    I have jokes because this chapter has helped me soooooo much and I'm trying not to be emotional here at work.
    Honestly, reading this chapter is when I've felt God's love for me personally. I broke down in tears, have read it twice and am so thankful for his awesome grace. I.AM.BLESSED!
    I imagine were I to put on the armor of God, that knowledge that I have a purposeful life in Him, absolutely nothing could break me down. I look forward to trying this, as I am somewhat ashamed to say I have not been in the habit of thinking this way. I am truly excited in learning, relearning all of this, excited at the confidence one can only have knowing god is on their side! :)amy

  5. I agree with you Amy, this chapter really helped me a lot. I also broke down in tears when I first read it. I read it while at work like a dummy and started feeling emotional, so I had to contain myself and end my break early. I have also have been out of habit in thinking the right way. I was stoked when I found out Al was starting this online because I obviously want to participate and learn as much as I can from this.

  6. I want to thank you ladies for your participation in this. I am very excited, yet anxious about this. What if it doesnt work? What if nobody shows up? But God is faithful and He will never forsake us. I know this study has a potential to change a lot of peoples lives. It's different from anything we've done before because its the first time we've done a Bible Study online and that has given us the opportunity to invite friends from all over the country and around the world to participate. So keep the fire burning ladies. We're trailblazing this concept and I look forward to spendng the next 28 days fellowshipping with all of our study group in God's Word through PDL.

  7. We are not an accident. God created us according to his will. Personality and all our other traits. Question: There are people who are rude, mean and gossip. Like Tama Sasa said, you big they talk, you small they talk, you don't talk they talk and you talk they talk. Some come to you looking gentle like sheep, but they are really dangerous like wolves. So what was God thinking when he created us? I'm struggling now with my weight, since I have quit smoking I have gained weight and now I can feel pain on my knees, hips and back. Now I feel miserable and fat. So when God created me- is this part of his plan for me? To be fat. What lesson is being taught about my gaining weight? Just in case occurs in your mind and says, Stop eating and exercise! How can I do that when all joints of my body hurt?
    I am not whining or complaining. It is something to think about. Our personalities- we are not sunshine all the time. There are times when we get upset about our lives. When we lose our jobs, no money to buy food or pay bills. Are we going to be calm and continue to be balanced I don't think so. But here is what I know: Our God is awesome. He created us for his purpose. That purpose is to glorify him in all that we do. Good or bad our situations might be, we all know that our God will always be here for us. All we have to do is ask him, seek him and knock-and all these things will be given unto you.

  8. What a powerful and uplifting chapter! It brought to mind the lyrics from a Casting Crown's song:

    Who am I?
    That the eyes that see my sin
    Would look on me with love
    And watch me rise again.
    Who am I?
    That the voice that calmed the sea,
    Would call out through the rain,
    And calm the storm in me.

    Today's chapter reminds us that our worth should be anchored to our heavenly heritage; we are children of God - a Father who loved us so much that He planned us and planted us right where He wanted. Our births and lives were a fulfillment of one of God's goals!

    I look forward to the next 38 days with you all too. God bless!

  9. Wow Vali, those lyrics really got to me. I'm actually teary eyed right now. For some reason I've been a bit on the emotional side the past couple of days. I guess I'm just thrilled to be participating in this and I'm really taking everything in. It's so amazing to feel the power of His love. The timing for this Bible study couldn't have been any better. Usually I'm sleeping by now, but lately, I sit at my laptop just waiting anxiously to read a response. I actually feel like a stalker, lol. I guess I'm just excited to learn. I want to thank all of you for keeping me motivated with your posts. Just from the past few days, I feel more peaceful. It pretty much started when I accepted the fact that it's all His plan and not mine. It's funny how easy one can forget that. Thank you all again, and thank you Lord for this opportunity to fellowship with these awesome people.

    Al, are you trying to cut it short with only 28 more days, lol, just kidding.

  10. I also immediately heard a song in my head when I read this chapter. The chorus goes:

    He who began a good work in you
    Will be faithful to complete it in you

    I am, above all, comforted by Day 2's reading. It's such a great message and reminds us that God has us all in His hands and that it's not our plans, but His will that will get us through every challenge.

    I've been having kind of a rough week. I was reminded on Sunday by a San Antonio church member (shout out to Aunty Fay!) that our PDL studies were starting and to get my copy...except that we were traveling and I didn't have mine. So I was supposed to get it Monday but my schedule left me totally drained. Then I looked on Tuesday and the bookstore didn't have any more copies. So I stopped and wondered, "am I supposed to be participating?"

    Then I remembered belatedly (just like with so many other events in my life) that obstacles can be tests and that my faith has to be strong enough to endure those. So I went online and found the first 7 chapters, just in time to catch up. :D God is good.

    To know that God's planning can include even the smallest details of my life leaves me feeling assured that when it comes to the big stuff - the things that will really rattle my faith - He's got my back.

    Because it's not for my plans, but through His will that I live. Be blessed yall.

  11. I know I'm kinda late with this but chpt.2 really lifted me! I've been wondering about my purpose in life and what am I here for? Knowing that God made me for a purpose fills my heart with so much joy,love,and faith. I think about the trials and tribulations I went through and I know God put me through them to make me stronger in his plan for my life. Lastnight I layed in bed thinking about the words I read...and a song came to mind. [Al, I felt the same song...and I thought about the kid's voices! And It just brought me to tears. To know God's love for us.]

    "Who am I that you are mindful of me, that you hear me when I call. Who am I that you are thinking of me, how you love me...it's AMAZING! So AMAZING!"

    And it is! I'm so excited about the next 38 days.

  12. Nua: Im not an accident, you're not an accident! What a statement. When I was young there were times when I didnt like myself because either I was a girl or samoan or brown or even looked a certain way (hair color, eye color, etc)...thats what I get for watching too much tv or not knowing that what I am and who I am is very special.
    Fast forward to today, years later and many reading, learning and studies later and Lord knows how many baby steps and backtracking, I realize how unique I am and how special I am because not only was I not an accident, no-one else has my DNA, and I was made in God's image (Gen 1:26-27). What other creation is there that God spent so much time with and with such details:>). If you read chapter 1-2 of the book of Genesis, you will notice that God MADE man and woman but He FORMED animals, birds and other living creatures The bible says that He knows how many hairs that is on our head (Luke12:7), just like He knows all the stars by name (Psalm 147:4).
    It is mind boggling to realize the TRUTH that He knew us before we were even thought about..concieved. It is amazing and awesome at the same time. We are His creation and handiwork. We should carry ourselves as such. I noted one of the comment about weight. In no offense to anyone, yes we're no accident, but, He has given us the task of taking care of the temple...not the church building...the temple which is our body. We are faced with choices every second, minute, hour, day up to years. He has given us the will to make choice wether its good or not, it is totally up to us. He cannot make the choice for us...if He could, we would never have to recieve the salvation..he would do it automatically.
    Not with pride but with confident do I trust Him more because now I know He chose me to be here right now in this day and age.
    I know I have my favorite that I dont really want to part with but Im trying to moderate thing for myself. It is tough but I try to do it because its my obligation to myself, my family and my Lord. This can be a part of knowing who we are in the Lord and how unique and special we are to God. We couple this with faith in God that He has our best interest, we can walk, talk, and be as God designed us to be, His masterpieces.
    The key is believing that He is our creator, that He made us and that He is able to do exceeding and abundantly for you and me if we believe, obey and walk in accordance to His words without seeing any results right away.
    I pray that each of you will recieve as you seek His wonderful revelation for you.
    Blessings to all.
    ps I often read Psalms when I need a reminder of who God really is...its amazing.
