Friday, November 6, 2009

Tragedy strikes home

As most of you have heard by now, there was a great tragedy that gripped our city yesterday with the shooting on Ft. Hood. It was horrific to know tha terror could strike so close to home. Our soldiers are familiar with violence overseas, but many were shaken because it had been at home where some of their comrades were killed.

Our school was locked down for a few hours. The majority of our students live on Ft. Hood so they were locked out from going on base. They were brought back to the school so we stayed with them until the post opened up. We were in our auditorium for over 5 hours.

While sitting there, I was going through the Bible on line to see what words of comfort I could draw from. I googled scripture and it led me to Isaiah. He wrote these words thousands of years ago, but it seemed to be talking to me about the events of the day. 'Who walks in darkness and has no light? Let him trust in the name of the Lord and rely upon his God.'

The community was walking through darkness. The family of the dead soldiers saw no light. But we must continue to rely upon Him and trust in His name. I read about a pastor who had lost his wife. This is how he looked at life. He said we play on God's team. He is the quarterback and He calls the plays. We don't know why a particular play was called. All we can do is run the play that He has called.

Yesterday's events bring home the lessons from the book of James. He said don't make plans as if you're sure that tomorrow will come. Nothing is promised to us, except this moment that you are in. So hug your kids a little longer today. Hold your loved one a little closer. Treasure every moment you have with them.

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