Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 5: Seeing Life From God's View

I just keep learning and growing through this magnificent journey. More and more people are joining every day. The number of hits keep adding each day and the every day someone says that they've started. I thank those that have shared and thank those that have encouraged others to take this journey together with us. If you're new to the study, you can go back and start on Day one and get yourself caught up. It's going to be a long journey, which is my life metaphor for chapter 5. Again, we end on Christmas. What a wonderful present to give ourselves, a renewed relationship with God and a better understanding of our purpose. Be blessed.

Point to Ponder: Life is a test and a trust.

What has been your life metaphor up to this point? How have you described life?

Can you think of a past experience where you can now see that God was testing you?

If you were to start living the truth that everything you “own” is really on loan from God, how would that change the way you feel about your possessions?

My response:

The fifth chapter really forced me to evaluate my outlook on life. It challenges us to see what kind of perspective we view life through. How do we see our lives? Do we see it as a race, going from place to place? Do we see it as a game, with winners and losers? I've viewed my life through all of these lenses at one point or another. There was a time when I viewed it as a game, where there were rules about winning and losing. From my education, to my career, even to the ministry. I was concerned about the bottom line. Were we growing the church? Was I moving up the career ladder fast enough? All those things used to be important to me.

Then there was a time when I looked at life as a race. I wanted to accomplish things as fast as I could. I had my whole life planned out. I was going to graduate college at 21, get married at 23, have my first child at 25 and be well established in my career when I hit 30. Funny how life works. I missed all of my goals. And that caused me to have some serious self doubts about myself.
I now view life as a journey, perhaps a marathon. I have only one goal, which is to finish the race. I pace myself because I know it's a long journey. I know there will be rough spots when I feel like giving up. I have people in my life that will cheer me on and give me water. I have the Lord that will give me my second wind whenever I need it. And in the end, I hope to stand before my maker and give an honest accounting of my journey.

The chapter by giving us three metaphors that the Bible compares life to. The first is test. I like the passage in there that says: You will be tested by major changes, by delayed promises, by impossible problems, by unanswered prayers, by undeserved criticism, and even by senseless tragedies. That is so true. So many things along the journey will test us. Today, when I am put through a trial I view it as a test by God for something He wants me to do for Him in the future. I look at it as preparation for another assignment He has for me. Remember, nothing is an accident. Everything happens for a reason. Once I changed my mind set, my whole perspective has changed. I view things so differently than I did before and I thank God for my new set of eyes.


  1. i received a mild headache when i tried to imagine life from God's view. But it soon went away when i realized the sacrifice that he made so that all the elements of his creation can fulfill his purpose. im beginning to understand that i do not have the capacity to comprehend his ultimate purpose, and that i have a part in it. i feel like all of this was not created for his amusement but for his will. That makes me interested and excited to be an instrument for his song. i just want to thank you all for your thoughts and comments because its giving me a sense of confirmation to push forward for him. Praise and love......

  2. Nua: Up to this point, my lifes metaphor-fulfil Gods will for me,my family, friends, church, community and this great nation.
    I used to think that if I attend college, get a degree, land a good paying job, I could get a nice home, car and travel anywhere with no issue. Than it was own business and be financially independent and get even better house, car, vacation, college for kids. Although not bad goals, I now realized I still may not be fulfilled/happy and that I had to make God the center of all that I do.
    Aligning our plans with Gods plan is the key. I learned that first I must be vertically aligned with God and then horizontally with family, friends, church, etc. Having this structure has stabilized my life quite well.
    Before this revelation, life was about surviving at work, raising kids, keeping peace at home and struggling with balance between God/family/church/work. My life was hectic until I let God lead and I trustfully follow-even that was challenging. However, I thank God that He never left me even in my most trying of times. In Him and through His word, I found strength, encouragement, enlightment and the courage to carry on and fight the good fight time after time.
    If anyone desires to know how wonderful it is to have Jesus at the center of your life, just ask Jesus. He will show you the way, but, you have to ask.
    "..all of life is a test" As for me, my tests were gradual. As I go from one to another, the tests was more challenging than the last. A test- I was stop-loss and ordered to deploy with my unit. I already had orders leaving military in 6 months. My mind and heart are ready for the transition-then 1 day, you get to work, youre told to go draw your ta50, youre deployg-fit? No fit, just a pity party wresting with thoughts and emotions, yet, had to think about God and His plan, was it?
    I had to have faith that whatever He was doing, He has complete control and my best interest in heart. As I look back, I knew that God knew exactly what I needed. The favor of God was never far from me in those 12 months in Iraq. God is faithful, always, even when we are not. He is awesome and wonderful. I give Him ALL the glory for what I am and what Im priviledge to have.
    Realizing that God has ultimate control over all-me, family, friends, literally everything is a humbling experience. Its like telling your kids, theyre just tenants in your house and borrowing your car and that they have the responsibility to take care of both and they dont own anything..a small example. Knowing this and understanding this makes me realize that Im not in control and I need to make every effort to take care of what He has blessed me with, my gift, money, knowledge, education, job, family, church, whatever it is, I have the responsibility of being a good steward, because He can just take it all away. How profound to realize the man with one talent, took it and hid it knowing that His master was a hard man-he said so-and that he lost even what he had and was given to one with 10 talents. He started with one, but because he made bad choices out of fear and laziness, he lost everything and the parable says that the master called him wicked as well and had him thrown out..into the darkness. I have to question myself daily, am I using what he has entrusted in my care to the best of my abilities and for His Glory. As is stated in this chapter-at the end of your life on earth you will be evaluated and rewarded according to how well you handled what God entrusted to you-even simple daily chores, has eternal implications. That keeps me on my toes.
    Covered in chapter- how we even handle our money referring to it as a test and a trust and that for many people, money is the greatest test of all-I whole heartily agree-for some its the fork in the road. Interesting also, the use of our money is connected to our spiritual growth-if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? A rare subject but profound in its teaching. Be blessed, be enlightened.

  3. LOVED the chapter.

    I think of my life as a duty station. You were somewhere before; you'll go somewhere else after. It's temporary. You may not get along with those you're with, but it is what you make of it. Here you can be promoted, demoted, disciplined, or rewarded. You have a specific role to fulfill for the betterment of your branch.

    Hopefully one day, we'll all "retire" in the eternal presence of our Lord!

  4. I always thought of life as a journey where I am to get myself equipped each day for whatever stops we make. In this journey are intersections, curves, bumps, detours and even unexpected turns. I have to expect these detours in my journey but I am not necessarily always ready for them.

    The chapter says "The way you see your life shapes your life." Often times, I feel very insignificant in the events and the world around me. I often feel that my most important role in this world is that to my immediate family until others directly ask me for help. Relationships are important to me but I do not invest a lot of time in them.

    I believe that life can be very overwhelming, which I have seen time and time again. I then decided to just take it one day at a time. That strategy doesn't always work though - but it seems to be the easiest and most comfortable for me.

    In our journey, the turns, detours, intersections, etc, become tests. These may be the test this chapter is talking about. How we handle these tests determine the next step in our route. Do we keep going north, south or do we need to make a u-turn? With this mindset, when I encounter these rough times, I often ask myself what God may be wanting me to do. I also often think it is devil trying to shake my faith. But perhaps I should start thinking of them as God testing my character.

    “God keeps his promise,and he will not allow you to be tested beyond your power to remain firm; at the time you are put to the test, he will give you the strength to endure it,and so provide you with a way out.” This has become one of my favorite scripture. Whenever I go through tough times, I am always comforted with the knowledge that those too would pass for God has promised no matter how deep the sorrow or how hard the test, He has already equipped me with the strength to endure it. I have seen that first hand in so many life experiences lately.
