Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Day 9: What Makes God Smile?

Had a wonderful fellowship last night at Bible Study. This virtual series is awesome, but it's always nice to get together on our weekly meetings and discuss this book face to face.

Point to Ponder: God smiles when I trust Him.


Since God knows what is best, in what areas of my life do I need to trust Him more?

Verse to remember: "The Lord is pleased with those who worship Him and trust His love." Psalm 147:11

My response:

I have always compartmentalized my life. I have a professional life at work. These are my professional friends and associations. Then I have a personal life. These are my friends and associations and activities that have to do with my personal life. Then I have my spiritual life. Same thing. I always thought of them in those compartments. When I'm at work, I'm in my professional mode. When I'm at my daughter's taekwondo lessons, I'm in my personal life mode. When I'm teaching Sunday School, I'm in my spiritual life mode. What I've learned from this chapter is that the spiritual mode should be embedded in ALL aspects of my life.

There's a line in here that has rolled around my head all day: "you may feel that the only time God is pleased with you is when you're "spiritual" activities...actually God enjoys watching every aspect of your life." What an eye opener. Later on it says that God wants us to enjoy ALL His creation. He gave us a sense of touch, smell, feel, taste. I never thought of eating at a restaurant as a spiritual activity. But if we praise God for it, it's an act of worship. I never thought sitting down to enjoy a football game as a spiritual activity, but if it brings us pleasure and we glorify God, then it is an act of worship. As long as the activity is not a sin, every human activity can be done for God's pleasure if we do it with an attitude of praise.

What that means for me is no more compartments. EVERY activity I do, outside of sin, has a spiritual component if we do it with an attitude of praise. Going to the beach is a spiritual activity, an act of worship, if we praise God for the wonderful environment we enjoy. Eating a meal with loved ones is a spiritual activity, an act of worship, if we do it with an attitude of praise and we thank God for the fellowship we're enjoying with loved ones. I don't have to confine my spiritual activities and my acts of worship to only certain things. All of my life is a spiritual activity, an act of worship, when I do it with a mindset of praise and appreciation for God's gifts to us. He wants us to enjoy our lives. What a wonderful gift. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. I was always told I was an obedient child. That's still up for debate, lol. In my relationshipm with God, I am far from being obedient, I do try though. I put my trust in Him for many things, but not ALL. He has tested my faith over and over. I believe I had failed so many times.

    From reading this chapter, I am encouraged that He can still smile upon me. And it is not because of anything I do right but because of who He is. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that He wants to fellowship and have a close relationship with me. Who am I Lord? Who am I that you want to fellowship with me? That you would send your only Son so I can have that fellowship?

    I want to obey God. I want to trust God...
