Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Goliaths

During the Olympics, we were reminded again of the Miracle on Ice, when the US defeated the Russians for the first time in hockey. This was the top upset in US sports history. They compared us to David taking down the Goliath of Russia. This was the height of the Cold War

That story of David and Goliath continues to inspire people. It is the ultimate upset in history. A small teenage boy who had no training as a soldier or warrior, takin down the most feared giant in history. And he did it with no armor. Not spear. No shield. Bus just his slingshot and five pebbles.

Each of us face our own figurative Goliaths today. It may be an illness, or a broken relationship. For others in this tough economy, it could be financial hardship. Many people have been layed off, don't have health insurance or have lost their homes. At times it may seem that your Goliath seems unbeatable. We seem overwhelmed at times not able to see how we can take down this giant. But attack him as David did. Tell your Goliath that he may have a spear, armor and a shield but that you come at him in the name of the Lord and this day the Lord will deliver you into my hands. The name of our Lord and our faith that He will deliver your Goliath into your hands is more powerful than any weapon he may have at his disposal. Dont be scared. The Lord is with you. Be blessed.

Friday, February 26, 2010

Empty piece of paper

Many of us use calendars or appointment books to put our daily schedules in. If I didn't have one, I don't know how I'd function. Now with modern conviniences, many of us have them on our phones, PDA's and other devices.

A few month ago, I read about a person who took a different approach. This person that has a blank page every day. He would not write anything down, but will fill out his "calendar" throughout each day. Each morning he prays that the Lord gives him strength and uses him as God wishes. Then whenever he does something good, he writes it down on that blank paper. He would put 'to day you enabled me to help comfort someone' or 'today you enabled me to overcome my fear.' He uses the word enable because he knows he couldn't have done those things without God. It also allowed him to stay humble. By writing down that God had enabled him to do great things throughout his day, he was deflecting praise for his actions and returned all the glory to God.

As you enter each day, ask God to strengthen and use you. If we allow it, God will use us as His vessels for His purposes. God's strength is greater than our problems. Be blessed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

He's waiting for us.

My pastor spoke about the unconditional love of God yesterday. He used one of my favorite stories, the prodigal son. Each time I hear this story, it speaks something different to me depending on the stage I'm in at that time of my life.

I've identified with both brothers in this story at one stage of my life or another. I was the younger son who was disobedient and brought shame to my family. There are things that I've done that I am deeply ashamed of. And for a long time, I thougt I would never be forgiven. I've also been the older brother who was angry at the attention others were getting. I've been bitter about the blessing that others got and was envious at times. But what was always the same was how my father treated me. My father always loved me, whether I was the prodigal or his older brother. I always wondered how he could love me after all the things I've done in my life. Today, for the first time in my life, I could empathize with my dad.

I look at my daughter and I see instantly what that Father went through. No matter what she does, I will still love her. I will never abandon her or forsake her. Sometimes I need to punish her and redirect her behavior. But it doesn't mean I will stop loving her. My prayer is that I am as merciful and full of grace towards her as my father was to me and God is to all of us.

Paul said nothing in this world can separate us from the love of God. Nothing makes Him happier than for us to come home. Let's not keep Him waiting. Be blessed.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stand in the gap

A friend wrote asking what I meant by saying we must 'stand in the gap' for people yesterday. In the days of Ezekiel, God was going to punish Israel unless someone stepped forward to stand in the gap, to be an advocate for the people. God said He would not punish the people if anyone could make a case as to why they shouldn't be punished. Sadly, no one came forward.

Let's not repeat the mistake. There are so many people that need our prayers. Let's continue to stand in the gap for a relationship to be restored, for the health of a loved one to be renewed, for the heart of a loved one to change. People in our lives, whether family, friends or co-workers need our prayers. People in our church need our prayers. Particularly those that are in leadership positions. They're the ones attacked the most by the enemy. And also those in other positions of leadership, like our political leaders.

God didn't give up on the people until no one stepped forward. It's not too late. There's still hope if we stand firm in the gap for each other. Be blessed.

A milestone

This week has been a milestone for our text ministry. We went over a hundred people on the list. This all stared last year as a way for me to encourage members of our youth group during Lent. We were fasting and I sent out little words of encouragement to them. We started out with seven. When you add the close to 400 friends on Facebook that see these messages daily, thats close to 500 people.

I had prayed to God to use me as a vessel to get His Word out. And that was His answer. Afte Lent, the kids from our Youth asked if I could continue to send those out. And they told friends and they asked to be added to the list. And the rest, a they say, is history. Praise Him.

Then about 6 months ago I read a story about a girl who prayed for people in her address book on her cell phone. I decided that that was the next step in this text ministry, I would start to pray for everyone on the list. So every morning as I'm sending the messages out, I pray for each person on the list. We're called to stand in the gap for others and praying for them is the best way. I encourage you to do the same. Pray for God's blessings upon the people on your phone. Be blessed.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Prayer and fasting

I've been away from the blog for too long. So many of you have emailed and asked if the blog was inactive. It isn't. I'm glad I'm free enough now in my responsiblities to be able to blog again. I promise I will try to blog daily.

My family has started a fast. We have a lot of prayer requests to put before the Lord. We fast from 4Am-4PM. I encourage you to join us. Fasting is when you refrain from eating, but you can drink. You use all the free time you have to come before the Lord in earnest prayer for whatever your heart desires. At 4PM CST, our family has alloted for everyone to pray together. We've chosen this time because it's lunchtime back home in Samoa, our homeland. So it's 4PM where I live, but if you want to participate, you can figure out what time it is where you live. If it is at all possible, stop what you ar doing and go before the Lord in earnest prayer.

God desires a relationship with us. He wants to know the intimate desires of our heart. The Bible says that we should, by prayer or request, present our requests to God. Jesus said to ask and we will receive. But often when we don't get an answer right away or don't get the answer we desire, we begin to question or doubt God. But we must remember that God has a plan and His plan is perfect. We must trust His answer to our prayers will meet our true need. He always hears our prayers. But keep in mind, though, some of the biggest blessings in life are unanswered prayers. Be blessed.