Saturday, November 28, 2009

Day 13: Worship That Pleases God

One of the things I love about this online series is that it's opened up our Bible Study not only to members that live away from Texas, but also to people of different denominations. I've learned a lot from people of different faith traditions that I wouldn't otherwise learn without this experience. I thank the Lord for affording us the opportunity to come and fellowship in His Word from our own backgrounds.

Point to Ponder: God wants all of me.


Which is more pleasing to God right now, my public worship or my private worship? What will I do about this?

Verse to remember: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30

My response:

Day 13 talks about authentic worship. Sometimes our worship becomes stale. I'm sorry to say it, but it happens to all of us. There are times when it seems like we're just going through the motions. Just reciting prayers and singing songs and we act like robots. Some times we get so distracted with worldly concerns that we forget that authenticity is the biggest part of worship. We worry about being in tune as a choir. We worry about the words of our prayers. We worry about what we're going to wear to church. God doesn't care about any of those things when it comes to worship. All He cares about is what is in our hearts.

How arrogant of us to think that we can impress God with our music or our words. Our minister preached about this a few weeks back. He preached on Psalms 24 where the Psalmist asks who shall ascend the hill of the Lord and stand in His holy place? The answer was he who has a pure heart and clean hands. I was reminded of this sermon while reading this chapter. The sermon said that serving God involves your heart and your hands. Your heart comes first, accepting Christ as your Savior and then your hands follow by doing good works because of the salvation God has done for you. You don't do good works to GAIN salvation, but in gratitude FOR salvation. The point was if our hearts aren't convicted first, then it's useless what our hands do because its not from a genuine heart.

All of us worship in different ways. Like Folole said a couple of chapters back, many of us were raised in the LMS faith tradition. The style of worship is traditional with structure. Others were raised in the Catholic traditions which involve a lot of rituals and liturgies. Some were raised in the charismatic traditions in a more enthusiastic style of worship. What I've learned, as Folole has stated, is that all these styles are authentic. Depending on our personality and disposition, we are attracted to one form or another.

The interesting thing I've found is how fluid people today are as far as their worship is concerned. Our Youth group is a great example. We have a member who was raised in the LMS tradition, converted to Catholicism, and now is part of our Youth group. He attends Mass but comes to our Youth services, Bible Studies and all of our youth activities. We have another member who was raised in the Pentecostal tradition, yet has become a member of our Youth and church. And there are members who are belong to both Pentecostal churches and our church. They go back and forth, being comfortable in both traditions. I think this is a wonderful thing. For so long we've gotten hung up in denominational rivalries that sometimes we forget that we're all part of the same team. I've always encouraged our Youth to seek out a church that fits their needs and feeds their soul. All God cares about is that our worship be authentic. It doesn't matter where we worship Him from. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. A lot of times, I feel like I go to church because I have to. I feel like I do things because I am told or expected to do. When I do, I find little or no satisfaction with the outcome. It is like just going through the motions. It just becomes routine with no real committment.

    The sermon you shared (Al) also comes to mind. When I do something because I feel like doing it, I do it joyfully. I truly believe with your interpretation - in order for the hands to work joyfully, the feeling has to come from within.

    My desire is to love and worship God. I have been trying to do it the best way I thought possible, but I am so thankful for this opportunity to learn of a much easier way and to share and read discussions from other fellow worshippers.
