Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Peace, be still

My life has been hit by big storms lately. It seems as if it's one wave crashing in after another. First was the tsunami that devastated my homeland. This was beyond any natural disaster that has ever hit Samoa in my lifetime. So many lives lost, and property destroyed. It galvanized us into action to help those devastated.

Then the shooting that has shaken my hometown. Just when we were getting over the shock of the tsunami, the shooting comes out of nowhere. It turned many lives upside down in the Ft. Hood community.

In talking to people affected by these events, some have questioned the presence of God. Where was He? Our preacher's message on Sunday was why. Why would a loving God allow these things to happen? Why would He let us suffer? He concluded that God works through all these things and is there for us through the storms.

I am reminded of the time Jesus and His disciples were caught in a storm on a boat. Jesus was sleeping peacefully after a long day of teaching and preaching. Then out of nowhere, a storm rose up and was battering the ship. As the storm was raging, the disciples panicked and thought they were surely going to drown and die. In their terror, they woke Him and said, 'don't you care if we drown?' Jesus said to the storm, 'Be still.' Then He turned around and scolded His disciples. 'Don't you have faith that I am here with you and I would not let anything happen?'

The storms in our lives will not last forever. When we're in the middle of those storms it seems like we will never stop the winds from howling around us. Waves of trouble and grief may sweep over us, but we must have faith that He can calm any storm. It's difficult to hold tight when the winds are so fierce. But never forget that Jesus said He would never forsake us and that He can calm any storm. Call out to Him in the middle of the storm and rely on Him to still the storms of our lives.

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