Thursday, December 24, 2009

Day 32: Using What God Gave You

Had another bout of the chills last night. I have this nagging medical condition that makes me extremely sick in short bursts. I would be fine one minute, and then twenty minutes later I'm shaking with the chills. I've been to several doctors and they all tell me it's something different. I pray that the healing power of God will cure me and that this is an experience that I will use for His purposes in the future.

Points to Ponder: God deserves my best.

Verse to Remember: "DO your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." 2 Timothy 2:15

Question to Consider: How can I make the best use of what God has given me?

This chapter is a continuation of the previous chapter. What struck me about this chapter was that we shouldn't force ourselves into ministries. We must serve and see where we best fit and then concentrate on those areas. The only thing that we are commanded to do is to serve. God's ministry needs us.

When I first got married, I encouraged my wife to join all the different ministries of the church. She became a Sunday School teacher, a member of the Youth group. She even joined the Women's fellowship. But she would not join the choir. And I could not convince her. Her answer was always, if we all go to the choir, who is going to sit on the other side of church? I'd always felt it was a cop out. But when I read this chapter, it finally dawned on me that I was trying to force her to do something she wasn't equipped to do. Her heart was for a different ministry and she was more cut out for working with kids. She started the Children's church ministry, which is one of the most important ministries of the church.

We should look at what our strengths are and find a way to contribute using those strengths. Don't force yourself into something you weren't cut out to do. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. the one thing that got stuck in my head when reading this was that God gave me the power of choice and free will. its when i make a decision to seek and accept God that serving him becomes part of the whole purpose. Otherwise, i would've been just going through the motions and servin for other people and i would be trying to be accepted. i just remain hopeful that love would show its full circle.
