Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Day 16: What Matters Most

Had a much better night tonight. My daughter baked me cupcakes as a peace offering. LOL They were the best cupcakes I have ever eaten because I know they were baked with love. And when I read today's reading, it spoke to my little episode last night and I could totally relate. Relationships are our most important calling in life. Nothing else really matters.

Point to Ponder: Life is all about love.


Honestly, are relationships my first priority? How can I ensure that they are?

Verse to remember: "The entire law is summed up in a single command: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Galatians 5:14

My response:

This chapter just reinforces a lot of what I've been taught and what I believe. And that is relationships are the most important things in your life because they're the only things that last. I love the anecdote about being on your death bed, no one asks to see their diplomas or bank accounts. All people want to see are their loved ones, the people that mattered most in their lives. What a sad statement for you not to have anyone at your deathbed.

Our first purpose is to love God and to worship Him continually. Our second purpose is to love each other. That's a tough task sometimes, but we are commanded to do it. Some of our fellow believers are hard to love, but we must be around them to learn to love them.

Relationships should be our most important priorities, not possessions or accomplishments. And the only way we can show their importance is by spending time cultivating those relationships. Whatever you spend time on, that's where your heart belongs. Our most important relationship is with God. My second most important relationship is with my family: my wife, daughter, parents, siblings. Then comes my church family.

I look forward to the holidays so much because that's a time when our family gets together and we can spend some quality time together. Even at work, I've learned that developing relationships with my students and co-workers are the most enjoyable and important part of my job. They may not remember what I taught them, but I hope they remember my kindness, my love for them, my honesty in dealing with them. Those things leave lasting impressions.

I can't over emphasize the importance of time. Our time is more valuable than anything else because it's something we can't get more of. We can always get more money, more possessions, more friends, more family, but we can't get more time. So the time you devote to people and relationships tells you where your heart is. Devote more of your time to the relationships that matter in eternity. Be blessed.


  1. Hey Uncle Al,

    I just got my book in the mail today and I see you are up to chapter 16. I'm going to start reading my book today but should I start it like it's supposed to with one chapter a day, or should I read up to chapter 16 and catch up? I have been keeping up reading your posts since day 1 and I was just excited when I finally got my book. I am also excited to be sharing this journey with everyone as well. Thanks.

    Nell @ Incirlik AB, Turkey

  2. Enjoyed this chapter. I wish we understood how important relationships were earlier in life. This chapter is so right about how God is a part in ALL relationships. We have a dear friend that has always said, "its all about relationships." What does that all really mean? I realize how important the relationship is with my God, Family, Friends, Community, etc... It plays a part in how we live, love and share. One of the things that I make sure that I do is to tell my sibling, family or friends before we get off the phone that I love them! In the chapter it says, "If you want to express love, then you better do it now." What are we waiting for, we are not guaranteed tomorrow. If your uncomfortable just force your self to utter those words. It will come easier for you and you will soon see a gradual change in your relationship.

    As I have gotten older (only in age:) I realize how important that is for me. Investing in relationships doesn't take much either. With the different options of communication a quick phone call, email or letter can make a difference in someones day. This weekend I will be investing time with my little sister and cousin. Although our relationship hasn't been perfect, it is filled with love. We all know the typical older sibling vs. the youngest sibling rivalry? What I do know is that we have a "quality relationship" and as a family we are close and we have a love for each other. Al, I'm glad you and your sweet baby girl are friends again..lol. The parent child relationship is amazing, overwhelming and challenging. However, it does generate "true love" beyond words can explain.

    Have a great Wednesday:)

  3. Hi Nell,

    So glad you got your book. I would recommend you go and start from Chapter 1, but since you've been keeping up, you can read more than one chapter a day so you can get caught up. I also recommend that you hare your thoughts as you progress in your reading. So happy you are part of our group. Wow, I knew we had people participating from Samoa, but now we have a member from Turkey. God is good!!!

    Flo, my all is right in the Sasa household, for now. LOL Our kids have expanded our capacity to love unconditionally beyond anything I could imagine. Give my love to Elia, Ricky and Sulu.

  4. Matter has another definition as things that make up this world. Well with that in mind, what makes up your world? what do you treasure most and want for the rest of your being? All in all it doesn't Matter, as long as it walks hand in hand with God. Praise and Love......

  5. Building and maintaining relationships are not on my short list of priorities, From reading this chapter, I realized this an area I need to work on.

    Here's my current take on relationships - I do not wish to invest any time in a relationships that of no value to me. If a person does not wish to be my friend, then I will leave it at that.

    This chapter gives a very good explanation of why we should have and cultivates relationships - for fellowship and to serve as proof of our love as members of God's family.

    I need to re-evaluate my relationships and work on them for God's purposes.
