Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 23:How We Grow

These chapters are such affirming chapters because they teach us how to grow as Christians. Just as we grow physically, we must also continually grow spiritually. We cannot remain spiritually immature. Let's grow together.

Point to Ponder: It is never too late to start growing.


What is one area where I need to stop thinking my way and start thinking God's way?

Verse to remember: "Let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Then you will be able to know the will of God - what is good and is pleasing to Him and is perfect." Romans 12:2

My response:

This chapter tells me that I am still a child. Well, it doesn't actually tell me that. But it does tell me that God wants me to grow up. In a sense, it says that I'm still spiritually immature. And I can agree with that. Spritual growth is not automatic. We must want to grow, decide to grow, make an effort to grow and then persist in growing. We must first WANT to grow. We must commit to this just like committing to a job or a relationship. We become whatever we are committed to.

Becoming like Christ means we have to shed our old selves. We must develop new habits and change the way we think. This is hard. After years of acting, thinking and believing one way, we must change to a totally new mindset. It's radical when you think about it. We must change our hearts. Giving our hearts to Christ is the biggest committment you will ever make. But once we commit our hearts to Christ, our thoughts and actions must also be committed.

I thought about that popular saying...WWJD...what would Jesus do. This is one of the ways we must start to think. In every and all situations, ask yourself, what would Jesus do? Once we put ourselves in that frame of mind, things will become clearer. Would Jesus swear at this man that just cut me off the road? Would he cheat on this test? Would he lie to his boss? Once you start thinking like how Jesus would think, it changes your mindset drastically. Practice that. In making all your decisions, ask what Jesus would do. You'd be surprised how much that changes things.

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