Thursday, December 3, 2009

Day 17: A Place To Belong

Had a great fellowship tonight at Bible Study. We had a couple of new members that were there for the first time and I praise God for that. This series is opening up our fellowship to new people. Just this morning a niece of mine posted from Turkey. What a wonderful testament to the technology that God has created that's enabled His children to fellowship, not just with those across the street or across town, but across the world. Vi'ia le Ali'i.

Point to Ponder: I am called to belong, not just to believe.


Does my level of involvement in my local church demonstrate that I love and am committed to God's family?

Verse to remember: "In Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." Romans 12:5

My response:

We were made to fellowship . That is our second purpose. This is a lesson that has to be taught to the Christian family. We were made to fellowship with other Christians, particularly at a local church. So often we feel that we can go it alone. That we don't need to belong to a church. That churches hinder our spiritual growth. That churches are a haven for non-Christians who parade around as Christians. That may all be true. But it doesn't mean we can do it alone.

If there's one thing I've learned in my walk with Christ is that there are no perfect people. We are all imperfect and fall short of the glory of God. All of us. And that means that the churches we belong to are also imperfect and fall short of the glory of God. There is no such thing as a perfect church. Trust me. I've looked. And that begins with MY local church. There are so many things that are wrong with my church because there are so many things wrong with me. Yet, this is the church that I find comfort in. This is the church that has allowed me to grow spiritually. This is the church that God has called me to be a member of.

One of the great things about this chapter is that it cuts to the chase. You are either a committed member, or you're a bystander. Get in the game. The Body of Christ needs you. Don't be a bunny hopper, going from church to church when you don't get your wishes fulfilled at one. And that means commitment and involvement. Whenever I've backslid in my walk with the Lord, it's the times I start missing church services or church activities. You have to be actively involved.

Look around and find a church that you are comfortable with, that meets your spiritual needs. I encourage people all the time to go where you are spiritually fed. Nothing makes me happier than knowing a believer is at a place of worship that will lead them closer to God. But find a church. Commit to it and do God's work. Don't run at the first sign of trouble. Stick with it. Being a Christian is hard. Belonging to the Body of Christ is hard. But just like how we don't flee our family at the first sign of trouble, let us not also flee our churches. God made us to fellowship with each other. There's no better place to do than at your local church. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. As I read this chapter, I was reminded of a church out west. The number of their registered members was over 100% more than their "active members". When I say active members, these are the people that come to church and are there during church functions. I found out that in this church, you can register as a member and pay the minimum monthly fees. To be at functions and worship services physically was not a requirement. It didn't seem that it was encouraged either. But one of the benefits is that the church pays the member's funeral expenses. I thought to myself, these people become members mainly for the benefit but do not want any commitment.

    It is like wanting to be a member of the family but not contributing to chores. If we all choose not to be committed and just use the benefits, those benefits will not grow and will come to an end.

    In our community, I am often told this - "I like the church but there is just too much fund raising." How do we pay for the physical structures? How do we pay for electricity and utilities? It is a good example of faith without work. God gives but God also has given us the means to work for our needs. If God meant for money to be readily available without work, He would have made a money tree.

    I think that is why so many people become spectators, uncommitted, and bunny believers.

    I consider myself a private person and I have always said that my relationship with God is private. But this chapter says God does not intend our relationship to be private. He wants me to share it with others so others can learn from it. I never thought of it that way. I thought it was not anyone's business.

    Belonging to my local church has done so much for me! I believe God has equipped each and everyone of us with specific gifts for His purposes. I cannot think of a better place to use some of the gifts He's blessed me with than a church. Like Al has said, our church may not be a perfect one, but it is one working for God's purpose. We may be doing things the wrong way but we are all growing spiritually together and helping each other as we do.

    My local church is meeting ALL the needs as listed in this chapter. Again, not perfect but my local church is there for me in so many ways. It provides a positive, Christian and cultural avenue for fellowship. It provides and amazing network of people who love to help and give support.
