Saturday, September 12, 2009

Count your blessings

I remember when Arthur Ashe contracted AIDS from a blood transfusion. Many felt pity for him. People commented about how unfair it was that Ashe got the disease through no fault of his own. But he had a different outlook. He said "If I ask why me about my troubles, I should also ask why me about my blessings." What a remarkable perspective.

Very similar to the Old Testament character Job. He too had faced affliction through no fault of his own. He was a God-fearing man who did as God had wanted. But to prove a point to Satan, God allowed all sorts of maladies to be visited upon Job. His wife and friends told him to curse God. But Job would have none of it. Instead, he asked, "Shall we accept only good things from God? What about the bad things?" Eventually, God restored Job.

Even when we have trials, never forget the blessings God pours into our lives. Many times we are so consumed by the storms that we're in that we forget to thank God for the boat He gave us to ride out the storm in. Our house may have leaks in it, but at least we have a house. Our food may be all wet, but at least we have food to eat. Learn to count your blessings.

Much of what we receive is through the grace of God. If we start questioning the unfairness of life when we suffer, we should also question the undeserved blessing we get all the time. With unwanted burdens come undeserved blessings. Be blessed.

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