Friday, May 15, 2009

Under the weather

I haven't posted in a couple of days. I've been down and out with a flu bug. Don't worry, it's not the swine flu. At least I don't think it is. But I had to leave school early today because my strength was just zapped. Thankfully, modern medicine, i.e. Nyquil, has nursed me back to some semblance of strength.

Tomorrow is my sister in law Tita's graduation from college. I'm so happy for her. She's worked hard for this, juggling family and school. Just goes to prove that good things come to those who wait on the Lord.

I hate to leave on a down note, but earlier this week Tile's school was hit with a tragic event. One of her student's younger sister drowned in their backyard pool. It is such a devastating event. Having been through this same ordeal with my nephew that has drowned, I can tell you it is probably the hardest thing to deal with as a parent. I got to thinking about what this family must be going through and what we could do for them. The first thing we could do is pray for them. That God's healing hands comforts them in their time of need. Palagi people visit and take things, but I know they are in no mood to entertain people. I remember what a lot of people did for our family in our time of need. They wrote us cards. And after the funeral, when all the busyness had settled down, all the relatives returned to where they came from, we sat down and read some of those cards. Many of them touched our hearts deeply. A lot had shared similar experiences and wanted us to know that we weren't the only ones that have been through such an ordeal. Even though our world was full of darkness at this particular time, that God's light would eventually, slowly find its way back into our lives. And those cards really did a lot to heal our hurts. So if you ever find yourself in a similar situation, sit down and write those people. Put your thoughts down on paper and send it to them. They will appreciate it more than you will ever know. And don't forget to pray for them also.

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