Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Call off the fire trucks...for now

It's been a rough couple of days, but I think God has a reason for everything. What seems major now won't be such a big deal in a few months or days even. But there is a purpose for everything we go through, I do believe that. Paul says in Romans that God works for the good of those who love Him and in the end, He will make it right. So we march on, slowly sometimes, but we march on nonetheless with that realization.

An update on kolache Tuesdays. A couple of weeks ago I shared with you guys me and my daughter's morning routines on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Thursdays of getting kolaches before school. Well, she was sick yesterday and didn't go to school. In the morning, she told her mom she had six germs, so she had to stay home. (Don't ask me how she knows, or how she arrived at that number.) When her mom called to check up on her in the afternoon, she sounded well. Her mom said, "you sound better". She replied, "that's because I only have one germ left." (Again, don't ask what method she used to calculate) When I got home, the number was down to zero. Her mom told her maybe she needed to stay home today, just to be safe. She looked at her mom and said, "I can't stay home tomorrow." Her mom asked her why. She said, "because it's Tuesday-lache day." LOL Then this morning I decided to test her. I said, "Rise I think you shouldn't have kolache because you're sick." She looked at me without missing a beat and said, "daddy, kolache helps the medicine kill the germs." She passed the test. LOL Maybe she was the fire truck that God sent to cheer me up. Or maybe she's watching Grey's Anatomy with her mommy.


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  2. thankyou for sharing. i thought about a snowball when reading this. i started imagining how big God's snowball can become and the ball got so big that i couldn't see the circled outline of it anymore. it was like i was in the ball and the limits were there but it wasn't. then i thought about satan's snowball. i quickly realized that i stopped his ball from even growing from the little speck that i imagined it starting from. that meant that i can control when satan's ball stops rolling and i can eliminate it even while God's just got bigger and bigger in my head. basically, God is unpredictable and satan is very much the opposite. i can count satan's curses when in fact, i can't imagine the linit of God's blessings. Thankyou for sharing Al, and tell your daughter i said thankyou for making me think of another example(all in all sharing it too)to broaden my perspective that much more. Love all of you and Praise
