Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Don't forget about Monday

Last Sunday, we were late in picking up the Sunday School kids. One of our dogs decided to run away from us as we were leaving the house. But we were already running behind because I had to look for my Bible. I looked everywhere. Couldn't find it. When we finally got in the car, there it was, right where I left it...last Sunday. Then it hit me. My Bible had been sitting here all week. (In my defense, I have access to an online Bible which I use most of the time.) Still, it opened my eyes about things.

God is very popular on Sundays. Millions of people around the world go to His places of worship and worship Him. People spend their Sundays around Him. From childhood on, Sundays were God's day. In Samoa, it was a WHOLE day. But for many of us, when Monday rolls around, we put our Bibles away until Sunday, like in my case. We only worship God on His day. We tend to compartmentalize our lives. And one of the compartments is that worshipping God is reserved for Sundays.

But it shouldn't be that way. Worship shouldn't be reduced to just the worship service. It should be a way of life. It should be infused in EVERYTHING we do. From going to the store, to working out at the gym, you can worship God while doing all those things. Worship isn't a location. It's a condition of the heart. It isn't only singing, or reading the Bible, or hearing the Word. It's taking a walk and being in awe of God's creation. It's standing on a hill and being mesmerized by a sunset, or looking out at the rain and hearing the thunder in storm. God's majesty is all around us. It's hearing the cries of a baby, or the bloom of a flower. If you appreciate those creations of God, you are worshipping Him. It's being greatful for every day we have, for every hour, for every BREATH. When we live our lives in total appreciation of the gifts that God surrounds us with, we are worshipping Him. Sunday is my favorite day of the week. But I'm learning to love Monday too. Slowly, but getting there.

1 comment:

  1. Aloha Al. Thanks for the invite to your blog. It's an admiration to see you're creativity in expanding your spiritual connection by the daily text and this blog platform. I sped-read some of the entries below. Malo lava le faamalosi i mea lelei. E te faia mea sili ma e manumalo ai! I remember that and i hope i said it right - but i totally understand it's meaning. I have to admit that my bible reading and researching days were huge part of my younger past. I couldn't agree more with your take on worship. I go to church once or twice a month - and its always a good feeling to worship together and have that interaction with others. But on a daily basis, regardless of the day - waking up in the morning is when it all begins - knowing you can breath, feel, see - the emotion of thanksgiving feels different everytime, everyday. It's a great thing. And that appreciation for me are elements in my worship. I love driving to work and my thoughts of the day are laid out in my mind with the thought of him somewhere in the superimposition of the imagination. The inner voice is the prayer. And all that is worship in my book. (lol). Thanks again for sharing your stories. Best - LT
