Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I need a fire truck

Have you ever had one of those days where things seem to go from good to worse? I had one of those yesterday. It's ironic that I talked about your hut being on fire on Saturday because it seemed to have happened to mine yesterday. LOL

It started Sunday when my daughter woke up with a bad cough. Normally, we would have kept her home, but it was Mother's Day and she wanted so badly to go to church to do her memory verse for her mom. She worked hard memorizing it, OK it was only fourteen words, but hey she's four. Anyways, off she went and she, as well as all the other kids did beautifully. Perhaps later on this week we'll have their performance on the website. The rest of the day went well.

But she woke up yesterday morning with still a bad cough and she asked us to stay home. So I went to work feeling a little worried for her. When I got to work, I checked my email and found out I owed my cable company close to $300 for a defective cable box. OK, stress level beginning to move to defcon 3 now. I know the money isn't like life or death, but when you acquire an unplanned expense like that, it upsets things financially, which led to trying to shortcut other things to make up the difference, which led to...you get the picture. It wasn't a good day. I know it must seem like I've been having a lot of bad days lately, but those are rare for me, I swear. But it seems like the bad days are the ones that give you the most opportunities for "growth." Now I had to put myself to the test. Compared to eternal life, the "light and momentary" things I was going through seemed minuscule. And they are. It's just that when you're going through them, it doesn't seem as minuscule at the time.

So you know what I did? I tried and put them in perspective. Look at the positive, the glass was still half full, all of that. But it just made me appreciate the lessons I had learned in my walk. Tama had a sermon once that talked about an ATM machine of God. He said every time you read your Bible, you were depositing money into God's ATM. Every time you prayed, you made a deposit. Studied your Bible, another deposit. Did a good deed for someone, another deposit. And every time you encountered turbulence and difficulties, you can go to the ATM and make withdrawals. And I've been withdrawing a lot. He said the lesson is, continue to make those deposits on a daily basis. Store up credit in God and you can withdraw them in times of need.


  1. i remember analyzing the phrase "money is the root of all evil". i thought of why all evil was presumed to be rooted by money, and if i lived to make a lot of money; would that mean i am evil, that i am helping evil, or i am trying to become evil(etc..)? well then i realized that money(or any form of currency or trade)is set so that people can have a market to where their trade can be compensated for (in one form or another). So that lead me to believe that money is like a tool....its what i decide to do with it or build with it. i feel like that explains why evil is rooted by money because evil is possesive and money is the root of possesions. i've learned(for now) that just because its the root of all evil doesn't mean that people using it or having it are. Money is also a contributor for GoOD! Its a tool, therefore the maker is really the root. Its what you and i decide to make of it. Satan only has one outlet to make his world go round while God has an infinite amount of ways to show his truth! money takes part in him....satan takes part in money(its pretty simple isn't it?). Thankyou Al for the post and i love you guys.....Praise

  2. Hey Al,
    Came across the blog while visiting the site. Shared it with Sulu. I definitely appreciate you testifying and sharing your heart for the Lord. You and the family have been an awesome support for our church family. Take care, Folole
