Friday, May 8, 2009

A tribute...

I want to do something different and invite you to join me. In honor of Mother's Day, I'm going to post a tribute to my mother and I invite you to post one to yours as well. You don't have to give your name or your mother's name if you don't want, but I wanted to extend this opportunity to everyone.

My mother is the cornerstone of my family. Growing up, she was the one we sought out for refuge. My dad was the provider and the leader of the family, but mom was the backbone. She was the strength that held my family together and pushed it forward. Her prayers for me and my siblings have made us what we are today. My mother gave up a lot for us, for me.

My mother was a faifeau's child, like me. Her dad was the faifeau of one of the big villages back home. She was the youngest of 12 children. And at the ripe old age of 16, she became pregnant with me. Imagine that, the youngest daughter of a faifeau, pregnant out of wedlock. I can't fathom what she must have gone through. But thanks to loving parents, and to my dad, she had me. Against all odds, she had me. I was an "unplanned" child and could have met the fate of many other "unplanned" children. So I thank God... and my mother... for having the strength to have me. The easy thing to do was... well, let's just say how eternally grateful I am.

She dropped out of school to care for me. Fortunately, my parents married. Again, a very hard decision. But she stayed home to take care of me. She went to night classes to finish high school. I remember her taking me to typing class. I don't know how old I was, but her friends carried me around and gave me candy. I think that's the genesis of my weight problems. :-)

There are so many memories and stories that I have of her, but I'll share just one. I was in elementary school in Fiji. We had a class party and I was to bring something (I don't remember what it was). All I know is that we forgot to buy it. I was balling and refused to go to school. I must have been six or seven and walking in without something was just not cool. I refused to go to school. My mother, ever so patient, calmly asked me to go and that she would buy it and bring it. I didn't believer her, but went to school anyway... she had threatened me with the belt. As the day started, the skies opened up and it began to pour. My heart sank. No way was she going to be able to get me my snack. She'd have to get on a bus, go all the way into town, come all the way back in the pouring rain. But as I sat in my school room, I saw an umbrella heading towards the school. I was saying to myself..."who the heck is out there in this driving rain?" But as the umbrella got closer, I recognized it. Yup, it was my mom. I know, I know. It sounds like one of our sappy White Sunday plays. But it's true. That's the most vivid memory I have of my childhood. My mom walking in a driving rainstorm to get me my things for the party. We didn't have a car. We didn't even have money. We were poor but she found a way.

I know many of you have similar stories about your moms... don't worry dad...we'll tell dad stories on Father's day. But I just wanted to let the world know that I think the world of my mom. We almost lost her a few years back, so every time I see her I consider it a blessing from God and I cherish every moment of it. My prayer is that God continues to use her in whatever capacity He sees fit. I always believe that children are a person's best legacy to leave the world. It's one of the driving forces in my life to do the best that I can, to ensure she has a good legacy. I owe her that much.

I love you mom. Happy Mother's Day.

1 comment:

  1. Mom, i'd like to thank God for blessing me with you as my mom. i've just realized a new barrier with me from words because i am baffled at what or how to explain the feelings of gratitude, love, and joy (just to name a few) that i want to fully and eloquently display because i feel you deserve to know my truth....but this will have to do, and i know you understand(well, atleast you will one day....)how much you mean to me. I will always be in debt to God and you are a huge contributor in why i thank him for his many blessings. I love you so much........!!
