Thursday, May 28, 2009

Dad and his girls

Tonight I had the pleasure of having dinner with seven lovely young ladies from our Youth group. They had just finished performing a show for a retirement luau. To reward them for all their hard work, I decided to take them out to dinner. "A nice dinner", I told them. "You choose the place". So they smiled and told me the place they wanted to go. I laughed and said OK, they deserved it. We went in and they placed us at a nice table off to a side room. Even though the restaurant was pretty crowded, it felt like we were having dinner at home because they sat us at a long dinner table. I made the mistake of sitting at the head so they called me dad. LOL Jorge, our waiter - his name wasn't actually Jorge, but that's another story. They asked if we wanted some wine and before they could say anything, I jumped in and told him that they were all under age. LOL

They giggled as they looked over the menu as we were all kind of lemasagi to the Italian words. But being Hamos, we never let on and ordered anyways. Several of us ordered the same thing, kind of like that old joke about Hamos that went to basic training and just said "same" behind the palagis. When they got their eggs over easy they complained to the cook their he didn't cook their eggs. LOL We laughed and joked and fellowshipped. I don't usually hang out with them on a social setting, remember they consider me their "dad". But it was a wonderful evening. I couldn't help but to think of the Biblical principle of fellowship. It's a word we sometimes throw around lightly, but often times we don't really fellowship. We just get together and go through the motions. But tonight, there was actual fellowship. Nothing like celebrating together after a job has been completed. I wrote a few days ago about being nice to people you don't have to be nice to. And I can say that these young ladies were extremely nice to the waiter and waitress. Maybe a little nicer to the waiter, though. LOL

1 comment:

  1. Wow..these girls sound like a lot of fun! ;) and the waiter was extra nice to someone else! LOL. It was nice getting together after a great performance...Big Shout to the girls
