Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A step of faith

I often hear people who say they want to give their lives to Christ, but they're scared that their lives would change too much. They say there's too much they don't know or understand. So instead of acting, they remain frozen. They confess there love for Christ, but say they are afraid of failure and sliding back to their old ways.

I am reminded of the story of Joshua. The people of Israel had to cross the river Jordan but it's waters were raging. In fact, it was flood season and there was no way to cross it. But God told Joshua to tell the people to take up the ark of the covenant and cross the river. As soon as the feet of the people touched the Jordan, the water receded.

God wants us to come o Him, but He can't make us do it. And He also demands that we take the first step, to step out in faith. The water didn't start to recede until their feet touched the water. Until they left the comfort and security of the shore. We get into a comfort zone that anytime we are asked to leave it, we become tentative. There are areas in our lives that we're afraid to change. There are times when we know what the right decision is, but need a little nudge to get there. Faith isn't faith if everything was black and white. Faith is when there are shades of gray, yet we see black and white.

God is waiting. He's ready to pull back the flood waters and lead us into a new land - a land filled with His peace and true contentment. But we MUST commit. Let's trust Him with every area of our life. Let's take a firm hold of His hand and boldly step off the shore.

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