Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Stand in the gap

When the Israelites where under attack from the Babylonians, God asked people to come and stand in the gap of the crumbling walls of the city of Jerusalem. He wanted to find someone to come and stand in the gap before Him to justify why He should save His people. He found no one.

In today's world, spiritual walls are crumbling all around us. Sin and temptation are all around us. And they seem to be taking straight aim at our leaders, particularly are spiritual leaders. When the devil sees that a person of God is winning souls for the Lord, the devil attacks that person relentless. He uses our flesh to entice us. Some of the leaders have fallen to sex, alcohol, gambling, greed. You name it, the devil will use any means to bring down a person who stands strong for the Lord. That's why it's important for us to stand in the gap for these leaders. Lift them up in your prayers that God sends down an force of protection for them. They are the most vulnerable to attack. The devil knows that if the shepherd falls, many in the flock will become discouraged and will stray from the Lord. So please keep God's messengers in your prayers. Stand in the gap fro them.

But also stand in the gap for each other. If you know someone who is vulnerable to attack, stand in the gap in prayer for them. If someone you know has weaknesses that the devil can exploit, stand in the gap for them. Reach out in encouragement for them and let them know that we are praying for them. Some of us are called to minister. Some of us are called to be missionaries. Some of us are called to prophesy. And some of us are called to be prayer warriors and to stand in the gap for His people.

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