Sunday, August 23, 2009


Today [Saturday] was a really long day. Have you ever had one of those days where it seems like it happened in sections? Let me 'splain as my students would say. It's when your day has different compartments and they don't all necessarily fit into one another. OK, let me go at it another way. I always start my Saturdays by going to prayer meetings at 6:30am. I've found it a great way to start my weekends for about ten years now. The only times I miss is when I'm out of town or when I'm working. But those are far and few between. The irony is that I'm not a morning person. I HATE mornings. In fact, after I've brushed my teeth and put on my clothes, I feel like the day is done because the hardest part is over, getting out of bed.

Anyways, I am like the youngest person in this group. By about twenty years. Seriously, the person closest to my age is my mom and she's...well never mind she comes on here sometimes. LOL But you know what? It's actually kind of cool to hang out with the elders of the church for a couple of hours on a Saturday morning. I know, call me weird. And the meditation in the morning is awesome spending quality time with the Lord and singing the old LMS classics. It always gets my weekend off on the right foot. We go to breakfast afterwards and enjoy some good fellowship. Like I said, my Saturday are like compartments. That was compartment one.

Compartment two is going to school afterwards to work on getting my room ready for school on Monday. I met up with some co-workers and went over our lesson plans for the week and all the other teacher stuff we had to do. These guys are all palagi professionals who had no idea what I was just doing a few hours earlier. I spent a couple of hours with them.

Compartment three came when my sister visited me at school to go over the program for our upcoming Labor Day mafutaga. But before she could come, a good friend of mine dropped in for a visit. He's a fellow local boy from back in Hawaii. We reminisced about our times in high school and how much trouble we were for the teachers. I mean HE was for the teachers. LOL I guess being in a classroom brought back memories for him. When my sister came he left shortly thereafter. We got a little planning done, but before we knew it it was time for pese.

Compartment four was pese. I sang in the choir and sang very well, if I may say so myself. We went over our play list for tomorrow. Again these different compartments were totally separate from each other. Each of them play a big part in my life, but each different. After pese we finally met with the other leaders of the youth group to nail down the plan of action for the mafutaga. I believe we got it down.

Finally headed home, after 14 hours and on to compartment five. The most important compartment, spending time with my wife and daughter. It's been too long. I've talked to my little girl four times on the phone, but it's not the same. We spent about an hour together before my wife reminded me we had a date. So off I went to compartment six, the movies.

As I'm sitting in the movie theater, the prayer meeting that started my day seemed like it was last week. But it was still in the same day. Saw a really good movie, "Time Travellers Wife." Very thought provoking. It' about a time traveller, duh. But the movie evokes some important questions. Who controls our destiny? If you could, would you rather find out about your future or let it unravel on its own? Very poignant picture. Not something I'd see on my own, but with the love of my life next to me, it was very special. OK, I'll admit, I really liked it. Plus the main characters have a daughter the same age as Perise so off course I projected everything that happened to the little girl to my daughter and...well, I guess you'll just have to go see the movie yourself.

Then it's back home and on to the blog to unwind about my day. They aren't always this varied. Some days I'd spend all Saturday at one place. Today just wasn't one of those days. And it's still not over. There may even be a compartment...what number are we up to now?

1 comment:

  1. that would be compartment #7! :o) Since it was a quiet Friday here at work, I decided to read other things besides facebook. Its funny because this particular blog caught my eye. When I read "compartment" I knew exactly what you mean because I have those days sometimes and I could clearly remember some of my younger days being just like that, especially being at home and so involved with church, youth, pese, prayer meeting, 'Au Taumafai, etc. You name it I was there, not by choice

    I just wanted to tell you "thanks" for taking me down memory lane.

    Send our love to the whole family and hugs and kisses for Perise!

