Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Day 40: Living Wih Purpose

We've finally come to the conclusion of the book. It's taken us way more than the 40 days allotted. We've hit a few bumps on the road, picked up readers and lost some readers. But I thank God for this journey. It has taught me so much and God has opened new perspectives into His Word that I had never considered before. So grateful for all the input and different perspectives. The great thing about this is that there's a permanent record for anyone that wants to read the book to come on here and take the journey anytime they want.

Point to Ponder: Living with purpose is the only way to really live.

Verse to Remember: For David...served the purpose of God for his generation.

Question to Consider: When will I take the time to write down the answer to life's five great questions? When will I put my purpose on paper?

This is the great question posed. When are we going to put our purpose on paper? It's one thing to talk about our purpose, but it adds an air of officialness when we put things down on paper. It's like a commitment, a contract.

We want to write it down because it holds us accountable. 80% of the things we say, we don't remember. But we remember what we write down because it's a record. How will we serve God? How will we worship Him? How will we fellowship with fellow believers? How will we take His message to the world? And how will we minister to the needs of others? Each of us has our own answer. I encourage you to write it down here and leave it as a permanent record and as an open testimony to the world that you've made a commitment as to your purpose in Christ.

I commit that I want to serve Christ through ministry to the youth. I commit to serve Christ as a servant to his church in Ft. Hood. I commit to live my life as a living testimony to the grace of God, who sent His only child to die for my sins. I commit my life to Christ and to live according to His will as given to us through His Word. Be blessed.


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  2. i have learned so much from this chapter and would like to share it with yall. When we consider how much the world has changed, we realize that history hasn't really seen anything like what we're seeing before. We are in a time where the world is evolving to new standards in a matter of seconds. To the point where raising the bar is the new standard. Now with that in mind, when will the bar stop? When will the top finally surface to where we cannot advance any further because it's impossible? There are times in the past when people would've looked at our times as pure fantasy, and that what has become of our world can never be realized. i've asked myself why was this so impossible? where did it turn to where its now accepted by our world as reality? When i did some research i found that it was the innovative minds that went against the normal perceptions of the mass, and no matter what, they would not stop because they believed that it can and will happen. Thats living with purpose. To live in accordance to your belief. David did it and under extreme circumstances he still believed, and he would not stop. Now when we accept the possibilities of the impossible, when we accept that the bar being raised is constant, then we can truly see the power of God. God is forever. He is constant. He will not stop.
    To take record of history is usually done because we want to learn and not repeat the same errors so that we can become more efficient. Now we look at the errors as expected (when dealing with studys and experiments mostly)and that it's common because nothing is perfect. But when dealing with people and their history, the mistakes of many are always held against them. It seems like we will not forget these errors because truly, we have not accepted them as to be expected or common. Why? Because we are perfect? No. Its because we haven't found our purpose. To live with purpose means to accept the changes and expect the changes because you realize the endless possibilities. You realize God. So i want to write down a committment. Not to be looked upon as liable content because one's interpretation of content can be completely different from anothers....and like i've learned, i expect and accept that. What i write should be looked upon as a learning tool so that we all can get further ourselves as a whole. As God would expect it to be.
    So i will commit myself to trying as best as i know how to allowing God and all that represent him into my being...Mind, Body, and Soul... in every moment possible in my life. i will not stop for now i am thankful for history(David.....and Jesus, oh yeah....my dad, mom, and family..........eh! the whole world!! lol...) and for its inspiration. Praise and Love to all of you....especially, you.
