Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 36: Made For A Mission

I've really enjoyed these last few days as we work towards the end of the book. What a way to start off 2010. And it's really helping to put things into focus. As I said yesterday, this first week is our Praise Services at church. I keep going from one message to another as I'm reading the daily readings. Whatever God puts in my heart to give to the church, I pray that it is given with a humble heart and received as such.

Points to Ponder: I was made for a mission.

Verse to Remember: "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20

Question to Consider: What fears have kept me from fulfilling the mission God made me to accomplish? What keeps me from telling others the Good News?

This is the last purpose and the most logical one. We are called to praise God, to worship God, to fellowship with other believers, to serve God and to finally to tell others about God. It's what I call the "inside out concept". Our spiritual journey starts from within. We start by accepting Christ for ourselves. It's a personal thing where we ask Him into our hearts and make Him our Lord and Savior. Then we start to build our spiritual life by reading His Word and finding a good church family to be a part of and to help us on our journey. Finally, as we mature we must begin to manifest that faith through service to others and spreading the message.

Our journey really isn't complete without telling others about what we've found in Christ. We must not only come TO Him, but we must also go FOR Him. We must go tell. The first way to tell is by our actions. Before we can even witness to people with our personal testimony, how we live our lives already has witnessed to them. There is no more powerful testimony than our actions. Remember, actions speak louder than words.

The motto of our youth group is ambassadors for Christ. It makes no sense to represent Christ in word when our deeds don't match those words. And the mission is so vital. It's as if we've found the cure to a disease and don't want to share it with others. So this is the ultimate culmination of the journey. Go tell. Be blessed.

1 comment:

  1. Made for a mission makes me think of the army saying "we are government issue". Well, the same thought applys for God's mission and my purpose(We Are God Issue! i think about how (especially during these times)every soldier has different duties and responsibilities but are all vital instruments for the workings and missions of the government. It doesn't matter what their rank is, what battalion they belong to, what their mos is, ahievements they have, etc. because at the end of the day, they are all under the same umbrella. The same thing applys to God and us. We might not understand or even know what our fellow soldier's mission may be, but as long as we have faith and trust in each other than hope will always be in place that God's objective will be complete. And that will allow us to keep looking forward and not become sidetracked. i believe that the biggest battle that was fought and won during World War II was by a scrawny old man (along with a few other unathletic people that assisted him)named Albert Einstein who invented the atomic bomb. His battleground was a chalkboard and i can imagine the same pressures, stresses, and emotions that he felt while he was "on duty". Even though he isn't honored in the same manner as the soldiers that fought in d-day, if it wasn't for his services, i probably wouldn't even be here right now typing to a blog. Now did he actually drop it over japan or even built the bomb? No. But he had, in my eyes, the biggest influence in the U.S. and Allies winning that war and maintaining its freedom. Point is, there is always a way to help, even if it is in a way that doesn't make you popular or seem worthy or useful for God's Purpose. Sometimes less is more. Love and Praise
