Monday, October 19, 2009

Life's unfair

Our Constitution says that all men are create equal. But experience teaches us that life treats some people better than others. There was a story in the local paper about a drunk driver that hit a car with a woman and her three kids. The woman and two of her kids dies. The drunk driver walked away without a scratch. The woman was on her way to pick up her husband from work.

Some work hard yet remain poor while Paris Hilton seems like everything is handed to her. Why do some people get born rich while others are almost subjected to a life of poverty and struggles. If looking at the circumstances of others makes you resent the unfairness of life, change your focus. Look to Jesus and think of the unfairness He went through. He died for the very people that wanted Barabbas to be freed. He died for the people that had shouted hosanna on Sunday, but crucify Him on Thursday.

Life's unfairness is temporary. Because of the sacrifice of Jesus, perfect fairness will be ours to enjoy forever in heaven. Resentment comes from looking at others. Contentment comes from looking at God.

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