Thursday, October 22, 2009

Just as you are

A person asked me once what kind of people went to my church. I answered sinners. The person was surprised. I don't think that was the answer they had expected.

There's a story about an artist who wanted to paint homeless people to highlight their struggles. He found the perfect model on the side of the road. He pulled over and asked the man if he could paint him for his project. The homeless man agreed and the artist gave him some money and said to be at his studio tomorrow morning.

The next day the homeless man arrived, all cleaned up with new clothes and his beard shaved. He was, after all, having his portrait drawn. When the artist walked in, he was so disappointed He told the homeless man, "I can't use you now, I need the you from yesterday."

Jesus takes the opposite approach. He asks us to come to Him just as you are, admitting that we're sinners deserving judgement. It's humbling, but it's the only way we can receive the forgiveness that Christ died for on the cross. Jesus didn't die for the righteous, He died for the sinners. If you need to be forgiven and restored to Christ, come to Jesus just as you are. Remember, sinners are the only people that can be saved.

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