Friday, June 5, 2009

Testing and more testing

I just got off the phone with Tina and she is doing much better. She sounds strong and her 'oke is back. LOL It was tough yesterday when she was in the hospital because I had flashbacks to her illness in 2004. But God is returning her strength slowly. Prayer is a powerful thing that can lift anything up and I thank you all for keeping her in your prayers.

It is such a hectic time with the end of the school year and Tina now being sick. But like the Bible says, what doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. And He will stretch you to your limit and that's how we grow spiritually. To be tested by fire. Consider it a blessing to go through trials because they make you a stronger person. They solidify your faith and makes you stronger for whatever tasks the Lord has in store for you. If we look at the prominent figures in the Bible that God used, boy did they go through some trials and testing by God. Moses ran for his life and then confronted Pharaoh with just a rod and staff. He was sent into the wilderness for forty years with a bunch of ungrateful people. David not only had to face Goliath, but he also ran from Saul. Jonah spend the three nights in the belly of a whale. Enough said. All the prophets suffered. Paul was thrown in jail and had to deal with a debilitating ailment.

And off course Jesus was constantly tested and ultimately crucified by his own people and betrayed by his own disciple. So consider it pure joy to be tested, as Paul said. God tests people that He intends to use for His ministry.

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