Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Taking Chance

Some of my friends tease me when the summer rolls around because they think I'm sleeping at home until noon. But for the last few years, I've been teaching summer school. So actually, I only get FIVE weeks off in the summer. LOL But our first semester of summer school finished up today. I gave them their final and decided to reward them with a movie. And no, I don't spend all of summer school showing them movies. I just thought since the fourth of July was coming up, I would show them something different then my National Geographic collection I usually show them.

I showed them a movie called "Taking Chance." Someone forwarded me an email about a Marine Lt. Col's diary of when he escorted a fallen Marine home. This was a few years ago. It was a moving tribute to his fallen comrade. But it was also a tribute to America and how we honor our heroes. It's an inside look at what happens to the remains of fallen members of our military. Their bodies are given such exquisite care from the battlefield, to the transport to Dover Air Force base. That's where they do the autopsy and get them ready for their final journey home. Then earlier this year, that journal was made into a movie.

It's one of the most moving military movies I've seen in a long time. It resonated with me deeply. Perhaps its because I live in a military town and community. I've been to my share of military funerals and can relate to this movie. I won't spoil it for you so I encourage you to watch it. Every time I see it I goose bumps and tear up. Many of us have relatives in the war zone and in the back of our minds we know that they could end up like Chance.

During the Governors recent visit, both he and tama spoke on the concept of tautua or service. In Samoan culture, there are many types of tautua. But one of the most important is tautua toto, blood service. That's what our soldiers, marines, sailors and airmen do. They provide that sacrifice, of blood if necessary, for our country. So on this 4th of July, as you enjoy the festivities with your loved ones, take a moment to remember all our men and women who have placed the ultimate sacrifice at the altar of freedom so that we could live in a free country.

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