Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The singing elder

So my sister comes back from Cali with some gifts for me. Well, I don't know if you could call them gifts: they were raffle tickets from a cousin of ours church and a CD....for sale from a faifeau in Cali. LOL It's all good. When I got the CD, I wasn't too excited. The title was, "The Singing Elder." LOL OK, I think I've exhausted my LOL's quota for the day, but singing elder is not a very enticing title for me. But the old adage, don't judge a book by its cover, or title, was applicable here. The CD was a compilation of old hymnals with a modern arrangement. And off course, the singing elder. He actually has a pretty good voice. Very deep baritone. The guy can sing.

My sister said the elder's wife told her it's meditative music. And that it was. I popped into my CD player in the truck and was instantly transformed to those mornings when I was at my grandparents' home in Samoa as they roused us up at dawn for morning lotu. I would sit up half a sleep and mumble the words to a tune from the 1800s that only my grandparents would know. The funniest thing was, one of the hymns from the singing elder was one of those early morning hymns. And another hymn I had never heard, my wife sang along with. I guess she was around when...never mind, she reads this. LOL (Sorry, I'll take one away from tomorrow)

It just brings to mind the power of music. I was instantly transported to the exact place I had heard that song. And I had never heard it since. Well, I did but not that tune, or fati. One of my regrets in life is that I didn't learn a music instrument early on in life. We're fixin' to enroll my daughter in piano lessons and I plan on having her teach me when she's good enough. You know, two for the price of one. I've always thought I would make a great choir director. I have the teaching part down. It's just the music part I don't have. Well, that's kind of like wanting to be a surgeon and having the cutting part down, just not what comes after. So, if one day you get a CD entitled the singing teacher, you'll know my daughter did a pretty good job. LOL (For the road)

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