Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Trust and obey

Have you ever felt that God wasn't listening to you? That many of your prayers go unanswered? I often feel like that. I'd pray and pray about an issue, sometimes even fast, yet I get no clear discernment about His will. I feel like the psalmist who cried out, "How long O Lord? Will you forget me forever?"

However, the more I get closer in my walk with the Lord, I've found that perspective to be backwards. It's like I'm putting God on MY timetable...answer me NOW. I need to know NOW. Yet God has His own timetable, His own purpose. I'm reminded of the story of Lazarus. His sisters had sent urgent word to Jesus that their brother was dying. Yet Jesus delayed going and Lazarus died before He got there. When He finally arrived, Mary and Martha said if only you'd gotten here sooner, our brother might still be alive. We know the rest of the story. Jesus raised His friend from the dead.

A couple of things about this story stood out to me. The first is our needs are not always Gods needs. Martha and Mary didn't want their brother to die. But God had a greater purpose than that of the sisters. So I try to keep that in mind when my particular wishes aren't granted. What purpose does God have for closing this door to me? There are things that are greater than our own personal needs, even if its a life or death need, like the sisters.

The second thing that I take from this story is Jesus' humanity. He wept at the tomb of His friend. He wasn't a robot that had no feelings. He wasn't a superhero that came to do all these miracles and save humanity. He was first and foremost, a man. With flesh and blood and real emotions. With real tears. That's why I can relate to Him, because He was able to relate to me. He got angry in the temple, He felt compassion for the adulterer, He thirsted for water, He was saddened at Peter's human frailties, and He even had a good time, with some adult beverages, at a wedding reception. Those are all emotions and feelings I've experienced. Jesus was human. Perfect. But still human.

Jeremiah says that He knows our every desire and wants. But more importantly, He knows what's best for us. He knows the plans that He has for us. Good plans. So wait on Him. If He closes a door to your prayers, there's a reason for it. Trust Him to do what is best for you in your life. Surrender all of our needs to His will. Be blessed.


  1. Well said and well put! The fact that our answers aren't always answered doesn't mean you can't imagine one coming. As long as you know where your finish line is then everything else falls right in place. I love the confusion of being in total control but at the same time im not! That's God! As long as we search for the answers just be thankful that you have the ability to know that you are "searching" because the answer is coming! I love him for that and i love yall. Praise....

  2. Very true! I often find myself in the same situation, and it gets frustrating. We just have to keep in mind that all we can do is seek Him in earnest prayer. And in His time as the song says, "He will turn our sorrows into joy".. Thanks for today's message Al. Vi'ia le Ali'i!
