Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sharing the burdens of others

Our church community has been touched by death a couple of times in the last two months. First with Bob Brody, and then with a church member from our sister church in San Antonio, Lauli'i Penitani. God wants us to share in the sorrows of others. Part of our Christian faith is to share the burdens of our fellow Christians, and there is no heavier burden than dealing with the loss of loved ones. There are many ways we can achieve this. Through visits, calls, or even kind deeds. We must be God's ambassadors to them. Sympathy is two hearts carrying the same load. Be a blessing today.

1 comment:

  1. When i read the title the first thing that came to mind was how the word sharing can be misused if seen in a different light or with a different light (Lol!! Sorry...speaking fluently). So i'll make a relation for the sake of perspective only. When i hear sharing and only for this specific blog or thought of the way its being interpreted in my mind when i read this blog i think of how in my recent past, i used to believe that i can share anyone's burden that i cared for. But now i realize that i shared for the sake of helping to carry the burden when in fact (in my view), i was limiting myself...meaning i was being held down too. Its like I tell someone, "hey i'll help you carry that". Well, I'm not realizing that I am still "carrying". With that being said, now I see sharing as helpin to lift. And my soul is at peace with the thought so I belkieve that it is true. That doesn't mean that it can't evo0lve again because i know God only reveals what he wants me to see because i can't handle his whole truth and i'm fine with that because it makes me look up. So for now, i say "hey, let me help you throw that away". Love yall
