Saturday, April 25, 2009

One front after another

Sometimes we're just in a funk. Just when you think you've come through the storm, another front hits you. Just when you think you've cleared the last hurdle, something jumps out in front of you and causes you to swirve and knocks you off balance. I guess that's just more trials to shape and mold us into what God wants us to be.

We often ask ourselves why do we suffer, or go through hard times. As Christians, sometimes we feel a little entitled. Entitled to a smooth journey. Entitled to a smooth ride. But the Bible teaches us differently. In fact, it teaches us the exact opposite. Jesus said we must leave the world and bear His cross. He didn't say, "come and have an easy life." Following Jesus is hard. It's difficult.

I've been thinking about King David lately. He had many sleepless nights. Chased up and down Judah by Saul. He hid in caves, chased through valleys, up hills and into the hinterlands. I bet he had very few nights where he got a good nights sleep. Whenever I can't sleep, when my mind is occupied, I often reflect to David and his words. Psalm 16:8 says, "because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved." Through all that David was going through, he still felt strongly that nothing would happen to him because God was with him, at his right hand. He says even though he may lay his mat on the floor of hell, the Lord is with him. I'm just humbled by that. What a great example for us. David had his weaknesses, but his faith was unfaltering. He said, "as the dear panteth for the water, so does my soul hunger for God."

As we roll through what life throws at us, let's keep that focus that David had. He realized that his troubles were "temporary and momentary." And that it would all work out in the end. There is a purpose in everything we go through. Our challenge is to discern God's purpose for us and to gain perserverance, and then character and then hope. Be blessed.


  1. What a great topic!! I want to relate with a personal experience. I found that fear of the ways of the world often have me distracted from God and it makes me stand in place(as in not moving forward). But when i fear God, i can feel my feet not touch the ground and im looking forward to fearing him some more because theres nothing like it. Now i smile because my fear for now is trying the unknown because my will only goes as far as his. Praise

  2. im sorry i reread my comment and didnt want the wrong perception out about my last line. when i say my will goes as far as saying from the point of view that God's will is my will as far as my own personal walk with him. Love yall
