Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kolaches and the lessons from them

My daughter and I have a unique morning routine. On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturdays, we go to the donut shop here in town and get her a kolache. If you don't know what those are, you must not be from Texas. ;-) I think the rest of the world calls them pig in a blanket. Anyway, this is one of her favorite things in the world. For some reason, she delights in them. It started out as a teaching moment. I thought it would help her learn her days, to follow the calendar. It worked. But it became a thing of joy for her. Every night she'd count down the mornings until her next kolache. She'd say, "daddy, tomorrow kolache." Or "two more days and I get kolache."

Well, this morning, she decided to throw a fit. She didn't want to wear a certain pair of shoes that was picked out for her. We tried to convince her, but to no avail. Finally she took a shoe and threw it. As a result, I told her she's not getting her kolache for the morning. That did it. The fit quickly ended and the tears welled up. She cried and said she was sorry and would never do it again. Off course I'd hear this every time punishment was threatened. I was now faced with a dillema. Will I cave and teach her what she did wrong and get a promise out of her never to do it again? Or do the hard parenting thing and show some "tough love." To my suprise, because I'm the softie of her parents, I decided that this was an important lesson for her to learn. And through the tears and the cries of agony, I drove past the donut place and to her school. The cries of desperation as we passed the donut shop have been ringing in my ears ever since.

But as I've thought about it, the more I'm convinced I did the right thing. I sowed some seed of discipline now, that I hope to reap later on. All of you who are parents understand what I'm talking about. I also thought how much my dilemma was similar to God's. How often had the people of Israel come to him in repentance and promised never to stray again? How often did God send messengers to tell his people to return to the Lord? I also know who hurt he was every time he had to show "tough love" to his people. And then He finally sent His Son to make the ultimate sacrifice to open up heaven for us.

I know when I get home tonight and ring that doorbell she'll come running to open it. She'll hide behind the door and wait for me to "find" her. She'll crawl up my back and give me my hug and kiss and then she'll ask me to "pretend" to be whatever she decides. Isn't that how we are with God? After all of our backslides, our sins and our getting off track, He is always there for us. Be blessed.


  1. Thankyou for sharing. We can all pretend to be this and that but the constant factor is God through all of it. We have to be careful to not fall in the world of pretend because then we will fall down the rabbit hole and never know that we are falling and thats a lostness that has to be conquered in order to see his reality. Thanks again for the inspiration, carry on and praise

  2. Thank you for sharing. I really enjoy your messages and how you take simple moments and turn them into "teaching moments" and opportunities to share God and His love for us.

    God bless...

  3. God comes to us in different ways to teach us a lesson. For you it was your daughter and for me it was reading this message. Thanks for sharing. God bless

  4. Thanks for the message Al. It reminds me of Tama's sermon one Sunday on "Enslavement", and how we talked about it in Bible Study the following week. You mentioned the Israelites and how they often turned away from God after He saved them countless times. We all have something in our lives that "enslaves" us and creates a wall between us and God. Time and time again, we call on God and He lovingly frees us through His saving grace. Thats just one of many ways just how more than wonderful our God is! There's a line in a song I heard a lot growing up. It says, "I'm marveled just know He really loves me, when I think of who HE is, and who I AM.." Thanks again for the message. Vi'ia le Ali'i!
