Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trust and obey

Our pastor spoke about trusting and obeying God. These are two critical ingredients for a Christian. He spoke about two examples the Bible gives us; Abraham and Bartimaeus. The story of Abraham is well known. God told him to leave his land, where he had been successful, and move. He was old in age, yet he trusted God knew best and obeyed the call. When he arrived at his new home, God now asked him to sacrifice his only son, the one he'd waited nearly a hudred years for. Yet, he trusted and obeyed. He was rewarded by God for his faith

In the New Testament, blind man named Bartimaeus begged Jesus to heal him. He called out to Jesus knowing full well Jesus could heal him. People rebuked him telling him to stop, but he persisted. Finally, when Jesus called him, he jumped to his feet. He didnt hesitate. He was blind, yet he jumped with the faith that Jesus was going t heal him.

God calls us to a life of faith. Faith is believing what is not seen and trusting God. When he calls us, our only response is to jump. We may not see solid ground or where we're going to land. But we must trust that the One who called us will provide a safe landing spot for us. Listen for His voice, trust His calling and obey His instructions. Be blessed.

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