Monday, March 8, 2010

God's timing

I ran into a former student of mine the other day. I asked how he was doing since he graduated from high school. When he was a student of mine, he had big plans. He said he wanted to own his own business and make lots of money. He shared with me his frustrations about how he was falling behind the timeline he laid out for himself. He expected to be a certified technician and well on his way to owning his own business. Here's was a young man, who is only 25, and already he feels he's behind. It gives us a sense of the crazy speed our word goes by.

I told him that the Lord knows what time is best for us. That all would be worked out in His right time. Sometimes God puposely delays things that are harmful for us. Or sometimes he steers us in a differnt direction to fulfill one of His purposes.

If you have an unanswered prayer or an unfulfilled promise, dont give up. God hasn't forgotten you. He said He will never forsake us. When the time is right, He'll show up. God's timing is always perfect. Be blessed.


  1. The LIGHT of God....the POWER! what if we were to imagine the perspective of light? since its the fastest thing we conceive upon our world, we can say that light doesn't recognize our "time". Its like imagining lifetimes of activity happening between our seconds....well, we don't recognize these lifetimes because we have a different that is too fast to see the mechanics of it all but still sees the bigger picture as it unfolds with our time. So light just is, and always will be without our time as light's experiences manifest to and from itself. Light is born and it dies in the same moment! It doesn't know time like we suppose because it perceives time as one moment. So in essence, God's time is really one time and that one time is forever....follow? This one moment manifests its examples of everlasting existence when you and i are found in between the "so called seconds". One would can there be an everlasting existence that somehow lasts one time? Remember, its our perspective that has to change in order to find relevance and understanding..the best way i can put it for now is think of how you felt when you had a great moment and then have that repeat itself forever(as far as your feeling mind you). All this while the physical expressions and storylines change with sum it up. God's grace in time. unconditional love!!
    wow...i really got entrenched in this one! special thanks to all hands that took part in my enLIGHTenment!(yall should know by now that that means all of you because if you changed the way you did something in your past....then you potentially could have had me pursuing a cycling career today...ahem, not that i can't ride through long courses right this moment because im very capable just saying,!jk love yall. im so thrilled! can't say it enough). praise and love

  2. Blessed are you who seek, because to not do so would mean assuming God. Don't be shackled by the weight that the world seems to amount on you...but be shackled with love and peace. Your faith restores hope and all will be revealed in God's time.
    Its wonderful how i got a new sense of God's time or the timing of God today because of this blog!!.....which could have easily been withheld from being posted if a million and one things occurred (before the day of posting this) to change the path of our commissioner and disallowed him to put up such a simple yet wise message for me to read and grow from today (and grow i did!!). crazy how God's timing works huh? Then, without hesitation the process of wonder and excitement during transformation takes place as my intentions and subjectivity finds new translations. its like my message that i brought across previously turned to me and told me a new message without even meaning just did....follow me?
    i am so thankful for his graceful presence as i took all this in with delight because through that moment i also reestablished an understanding; about the true potential in everything and everyone in relation to time because this universe always synchronizes in harmony with God's time. So the moment upon moment is always graced, but the grace isn't always recognized because of the lack of realizations of God's time.
    God's timing is time itself you see.....every second, is a special capture of a moment. and a moment can truly change or become a lifetime for anyone or anything. i involve things because i also am thankful for this computer, the internet, electricity, this chair that i am sitting on because if one thing wasn't present throughout this experience then i potentially could be doing something totally different and this moment wouldn't have existed as it does right now. See, the potential for divine intervention is always there and is always understood through his grace(so basically divine intervention is taking place as we speak, lol!) no matter what, anything can play a significant role in being the basis for your particular moment. Thats because the potential of everything and everyone is made aware to you when realizing that.... potential of all is met with divine wisdom as time transpires with divine's grace..follow? Well here's a different tool for understanding...i want you to notice potential when it is under the cloud of "confusing time and actions": potential only becomes as much as we allow it to because we grace ourselves as the leading intelligence to make educated declarations on maximizing spaces (relevance can only be visualized when we allow ourselves to witness from perspective other than first person), potential is looked at as a mark that can never be fully acquired (only close to) because we don't agree or believe in perfect moments (miracles do happen all the time!), also potential when misinterpreted by objectives, is always measured against time. But when we realize who holds the time, then we can begin to see that potential doesn't have to be maximized (in our sense) in order to be part of divine intervention or God's timing. Potential for divine intervention is always possible...through all and by all.
    In other words, God's time gives way to what his children are willing his time to make and become. He will yield to your desires because hes also making you face your desires....impeccable timing huh? That thought helped me realize that everything IS meant to be because we allowed it to through the grace of God!!
